usage: ample [-h] [-ROSETTA ROSETTA_path] [-RDB ROSETTA_database] [-fragsexe path to] [-Rosetta_cluster path to Rosettas cluster] [-fasta fasta_file] [-name priotein name] [-NProc NoProcessors] [-RunDir run_directory] [-SCWRL path to scwrl] [-LGA path_to_LGA dir] [-MAX Maxcluster exe] [-THESEUS Theseus exe required] [-MTZ MTZ in] [-MODELS folder of decoys] [-MakeModels Do the modelling] [-ROSETTA_DIR Rosetta_dir] [-make_frags bool to make fragments] [-3mers 3mers] [-9mers 9mers] [-F flag for F] [-SIGF flag for SIGF] [-FREE flag for FREE] [-CLUSTER using a cluster] Structure solution by abinitio modeling optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -ROSETTA ROSETTA_path path for Rosetta AbinitioRelax -RDB ROSETTA_database path for Rosetta database -fragsexe path to location of -Rosetta_cluster path to Rosettas cluster location of rosetta cluster -fasta fasta_file protein fasta file. (required) -name priotein name name of protien in the format ABCD -NProc NoProcessors number of processers (default 1) -RunDir run_directory directory to put files (default current dir) -SCWRL path to scwrl pathway to SCWRL exe -LGA path_to_LGA dir pathway to LGA folder (not the exe) will use the 'lga' executable -MAX Maxcluster exe Maxcluster exe -THESEUS Theseus exe (required) Theseus exe -MTZ MTZ in MTZ in -MODELS folder of decoys folder of decoys -MakeModels Do the modelling run rosetta modeling, set to False to import pre-made models (required if making models locally default True) -ROSETTA_DIR Rosetta_dir the Rosetta install directory -make_frags bool to make fragments Bool, True to make non homologous framents, False to import fragments -3mers 3mers path of imported 3mers -9mers 9mers path of imported 9mers -F flag for F Flag for F -SIGF flag for SIGF Flag for SIGF -FREE flag for FREE Flag for FREE -CLUSTER using a cluster will submit jobs to a cluster Requirements: needs some 3rd party software: Maxcluster Rosetta Theseus SQWRL Known Issues: 1) it is recommended to use -OLD_shelx False for use on clusters 2)assumes that the number of models to make is > number of processors 3)Theseus is also known to hang if not compiled (will be caught and rerun until success) 4)needs a long command line (might need to increase command line length) 5)shelx will infiniate loop if space group is P -1 this is changed to P1