import glob import os import shutil import sys ample_root="/home/jmht42/ample-dev1" sys.path.insert(0,os.path.join(ample_root,"python")) import ample_util import mrbump_results def prep_array(jobScripts,jobDir): os.chdir(jobDir) # Create the list of scripts scriptFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(jobDir,"")) nJobs=len(jobScripts) with open(scriptFile,'w') as f: for s in jobScripts: # Check the scripts are of the correct format - abspath and .sh extension if not s.startswith("/") or not s.endswith(".sh"): raise RuntimeError,"Scripts for array jobs must be absolute paths with a .sh extension: {0}".format(s) f.write(s+"\n") # Generate the qsub array script arrayScript = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(jobDir,"resub.script")) # Write head of script s = """#!/bin/bash # Set up SGE variables #$ -j y #$ -cwd #$ -w e #$ -V #$ -l h_rt=172800 #$ -o arrayJob_$TASK_ID.log #$ -t 1-{0} #$ -S /bin/bash # # Ignore for now as we always run single processor jobs ##$ -pe smp 16 scriptlist={1} """.format(nJobs,scriptFile) # Add on the rest of the script - need to do in two bits or the stuff in here gets interpreted by format s += """ # Extract info on what we need to run script=`sed -n "${SGE_TASK_ID}p" $scriptlist` jobdir=`dirname $script` jobname=`basename $script .sh` # cd to jobdir and runit cd $jobdir # Run the script $script """ with open(arrayScript,'w') as f: f.write(s) return arrayScript pdb_codes=["1MIX", "1P9G", "1UCS", "1XKR", "2BL2", "2EFR", "2FM9", "2JKU", "2QIH", "2QSK", "2UUI", "2XFD", "2YKT", "3CI9", "3CVF", "3GD8", "3GHF", "3HAP", "3HFE"] pdb_codes=["1MIX", "1P9G", "1UCS", "1XKR", "2BL2", "2EFR", "2FM9", "2QIH", "2QSK", "2UUI", "2XFD", "2YKT", "3CI9", "3CVF", "3GD8", "3GHF", "3HAP", "3HFE"] #root="/volatile/jmht42/testset/truncate_single" root="/volatile/jmht42/testset/fpc_kmeans_rmsd" def fixKeys(fname): tmp=fname+".bak" os.rename(fname,tmp) with open(tmp) as f,open(fname,'w') as w: for line in f: if line.startswith("FIXSG"): w.write("SXREBUILD True\n") w.write("SXRBUCC True\n") w.write("SXRARPW True\n") w.write(line) os.unlink(tmp) return for pdb in pdb_codes: print "CHECKING ",pdb mrbd=os.path.join(root,pdb,"AMPLE_0","MRBUMP") os.chdir(mrbd) res_sum = mrbump_results.ResultsSummary() res_sum.extractResults(mrbd) ensembles=[] for r in res_sum.results: search_dir=r['Search_directory'] ensemble=r['ensemble_name'] #if r['Solution_Type']=='unfinished' or r['Solution_Type']=='no_job_directory': if r['SHELXE_CC'] and r['SHELXE_CC']>=25.0 and r['SHELXE_ACL'] and r['SHELXE_ACL']>=10: mrkey=os.path.join(mrbd,"{0}.mrbump".format(ensemble)) fixKeys(mrkey) ensembles.append(ensemble) #if r['Solution_Type']=='unfinished' and os.path.isdir(search_dir): shutil.rmtree(search_dir) if os.path.isdir(search_dir): shutil.rmtree(search_dir) log=ensemble+".log" if os.path.isfile(log): os.unlink(log) # Remove old array scripts #old=glob.glob("arrayJob*") #for s in old: # os.unlink(s) if len(ensembles): scripts=[os.path.abspath(e+".sh") for e in ensembles] jscript=prep_array(scripts,mrbd) # Submit job ample_util.run_command(["qsub",jscript])