# Copyright (C) 2006
# This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the
# CCP4 Program Suite Licence Agreement as a CCP4 Library.
# A copy of the CCP4 licence can be obtained by writing to the
# CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK.
# CCP4 Interface - dbsocket.py
# Classes and methods for handling pseudo-asynchronous communications
# with the db handler
# Peter Briggs
#CCP4i_cvs_Id $Id: dbsocket.py,v 1.9 2008/08/12 10:47:59 pjx Exp $
import socket
import select
import time
import threading
import Queue
import re
import exceptions
import xml.dom.minidom
import xml.sax.saxutils as su
# Module globals
_request_id = 0
_debug = False
#_debug = True
# The idea is that the client API should use this as the way to
# communicate with the handler.
# The client would need to implement its own listener to
# check for broadcast messages - this would be important for a
# visualiser application which would need to respond to changes
# in the db content
class dbRequest:
"""Class representing a handler request."""
def __init__(self,command,arguments):
"""Command is the base command being issued; arguments is
a tuple of appropriate options"""
self.__command = command
self.__arg_list = arguments
self.__id = get_request_id()
def __str__(self):
"""Print the string representation of the dbRequest object."""
text = str(self.__command)
if len(self.__arg_list) !=0:
for arg in self.__arg_list:
text = text + " " + str(arg)
return text
def xml(self):
"""Transform the request into XML"""
xml_request = ""+su.escape(str(self.__command))+""
if len(self.__arg_list) !=0:
for arg in self.__arg_list:
if type(arg) == list:
xml_request = xml_request + ""
for item in arg:
xml_request = xml_request + "- "+ su.escape(str(item))+"
xml_request = xml_request + "
xml_request = xml_request + \
xml_request = xml_request + \
return xml_request
def request_id(self):
"""Return the request id string."""
return self.__id
class dbResponse:
"""Class representing a response from the handler.
The object is initialised with the raw XML returned by the
handler, and is classified as either a response to request
or as a broadcast."""
def __init__(self,xml_response):
"""xml_response is the raw response from the handler"""
self.__xml_response = xml_response
# Parameters for response
self.__xml_line = []
self.__is_response = []
self.__status = []
self.__result = []
self.__id = []
# Parameter for broadcast
self.__is_broadcast = []
self.__broadcast = []
self.__message = []
self.__project = []
self.__jobid = []
self.__operation = []
self.__agent = []
# Check for multiple lines
response_list = xml_response.split("\n")
# Counter
self.__count = 0
# Parse the input
for xml_line in response_list:
# Initialise the parameters
# Process the line
if self.parse(xml_line):
# Increment the counter
self.__count = self.__count+1
def __str__(self):
"""String representation of the response object."""
for i in range(1,self.__count):
if self.is_broadcast(i):
return "Broadcast: "+str(self.broadcast(i))
elif self.is_response(i):
return "Response: "+str(self.status(i))+" "+str(self.result(i))
return "Unrecognised: "+str(self.__xml_response[i])
def parse(self,xml_line):
"""Attempt to process the XML and extract the components.
Return False if the extraction fails, and True otherwise."""
# Check for empty string
if xml_line == "":
##print "Empty string in dbResponse parse method"
return False
# Set index for lists
i = self.__count
# Test for broadcast first
if '' in xml_line:
self.__is_broadcast[i] = True
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_line)
# Extract the message components
message = self.getBroadcastElement(doc,"message")
project = self.getBroadcastElement(doc,"project")
jobid = self.getBroadcastElement(doc,"jobid")
operation = self.getBroadcastElement(doc,"operation")
agent = self.getBroadcastElement(doc,"agent")
self.__message[i] = message
self.__project[i] = project
self.__jobid[i] = jobid
self.__operation[i] = operation
self.__agent[i] = agent
self.__broadcast[i] = [self.__message[i],
return True
except exceptions.Exception,e:
# Parsing failed
print "Exception in dbResponse parse method"
print "Input xml: "+str(xml_line)
print "response.parse (broadcast): Exception: "+str(e)
elif '' in xml_line:
# Process response
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_line)
# Status tag
statusTag = doc.getElementsByTagName("status")
status = statusTag[0].childNodes[0].data
# Result tag
resultTag = doc.getElementsByTagName("result")
# Id tag
# if single value, append to resultlist, else retrive
# items from nested tag
if resultTag[0].childNodes[0].nodeType == \
result = resultTag[0].childNodes[0].data
list = resultTag[0].childNodes
items = list[0].childNodes
result = self.getXMLitems(items,[])
responseidTag = doc.getElementsByTagName("response_id")
responseid = responseidTag[0].childNodes[0].data
except IndexError:
# The response id is not compulsory
responseid = ""
# Successfully processed the XML
self.__status[i] = status
self.__result[i] = result
self.__id[i] = responseid
self.__is_response[i] = True
return True
except exceptions.Exception,e:
# Parsing failed
print "Exception in dbResponse parse method"
print "Input xml: "+str(xml_line)
print "response.parse (response): not a response:"
return False
# Something unrecognised
return False
def getBroadcastElement(self,doc,element):
"""Return value for a broadcast element.
'doc' is the result of a xml.dom.minidom.parseString() call on
a string representing an XML broadcast; 'element' is a
broadcast element name e.g. 'message', 'project', etc.
Returns the value of text enclosed in the tags. If the
raises an IndexError if the element is not found, unless
the 'ignore_missing' argument is set to True."""
resultTag = doc.getElementsByTagName(element)
result = ""
if resultTag[0].hasChildNodes():
result = resultTag[0].childNodes[0].data
except IndexError:
# Unable to find the element - ignore
return result
def getXMLitems(self,items,varlist):
"""Retrieve items from an XML-wrapped result list.
This is called from the parse method to deal with
lists in the XML response i.e.
- ..
value = varlist
tmp = []
for item in items:
# check if it is nested
if item.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'list':
# if find the next node is 'list', get the nested items
nesteditems = item.childNodes[0].childNodes
# call the function itself
# if it is a text, get the data from the node
except IndexError:
# This seems to happen when the "item" node contains no
# data - append an empty data item
# append the tmp result to the return value
if len(value) == 1:
# only have one element in the list, then return the element.
return value[0]
return value
def nresponses(self):
"""Return the number of responses (lines) processed."""
return self.__count
def xml_line(self,i):
"""Return the i'th line of input XML."""
return self.__xml_line[i]
def is_response(self,i):
"""Check if the i'th line contains an XML response."""
return self.__is_response[i]
def status(self,i):
"""Return the status component of the i'th response."""
if self.__is_response[i]:
return self.__status[i]
return ""
def result(self,i):
"""Return the result component of the i'th response."""
if self.__is_response[i]:
return self.__result[i]
return ""
def response_id(self,i):
"""Return the id component of the i'th response."""
if self.__is_response[i]:
return self.__id[i]
return ""
def is_broadcast(self,i):
"""Check if the i'th object contains an XML broadcast."""
return self.__is_broadcast[i]
def broadcast(self,i):
"""Return the i'th broadcast message from the XML."""
if self.__is_broadcast[i]:
return self.__broadcast[i]
return ""
def message(self,i):
""" Return the message component of the i'th broadcast"""
if self.__is_broadcast[i]:
return self.__message[i]
return ""
def project(self,i):
""" Return the project component of the i'th broadcast"""
if self.__is_broadcast[i]:
return self.__project[i]
return ""
def jobid(self,i):
""" Return the jobid component of the i'th broadcast"""
if self.__is_broadcast[i]:
return self.__jobid[i]
return ""
def operation(self,i):
""" Return the operation component of the i'th broadcast"""
if self.__is_broadcast[i]:
return self.__operation[i]
return ""
def agent(self,i):
""" Return the agent component of the i'th broadcast"""
if self.__is_broadcast[i]:
return self.__agent[i]
return ""
def report(self):
"""Report the contents of the response object."""
print "******************************************"
print "Number of lines: "+str(self.nresponses())
for i in range(0,self.nresponses()):
print "Response #"+str(i)
print "\tData line: "+str(self.__xml_line[i])
if self.is_broadcast(i):
print "\tBroadcast message:"
#print "\t\t\""+str(self.message(i))+"\""
print "\t\tmessage: "+str(self.message(i))
print "\t\tproject: "+str(self.project(i))
print "\t\tjobid : "+str(self.jobid(i))
print "\t\toperation: "+str(self.operation(i))
print "\t\tagent : "+str(self.agent(i))
elif self.is_response(i):
print "\tRequest response:"
print "\t\tStatus: "+str(self.status(i))
print "\t\tResult: "+str(self.result(i))
print "\t\tId : "+str(self.response_id(i))
print "\tUnrecognised:"
print "\t\t"+str(self.__xml_line[i])
class dbsocket(threading.Thread):
"""Class for handling interactions between client and handler.
A dbsocket object is instantiated by providing it with a host name
and port number. It then opens a socket connection to the handler
via that host port. The client can send requests to the handler,
(and get back the responses) using the 'request' method of the
dbsocket object.
The dbsocket intercepts handler broadcasts and ensures that these
don't interfere with the client's request/response pairs. The
client can check and collect broadcasts separately using the
nbroadcast and getbroadcast methods.
Responses to requests are in the form of lists: [status,result]."""
def __init__(self,host,port,timeout=30):
# Start
##print "Instantiating dbsocket object..."
self.requestQueue = Queue.Queue()
self.responseQueue = Queue.Queue()
self.broadcastQueue = Queue.Queue()
# Setup the socket connection
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.addr = (self.host,self.port)
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except exceptions.Exception,e:
# Connection attempt failed
print "dbsocket: init failed with exception:"
print str(e)
# Start the queue
self.active = True
self.timeout = timeout
self.request_id = 0
#print "dbsocket: invoking start method"
# Check that the dbsocket is still active
def isActive(self):
"""Return True if the dbsocket is still active, False if not."""
return self.active
# Application should use this to send a
# request to the handler
def request(self,command,args):
"""Send a request to the handler.
The request consists of a command and a list of arguments. The
result of the request method is the response from the handler
(or a timeout message if no response was received within the
timeout period)."""
global _debug
debug = _debug
request = dbRequest(command,args)
if debug: print "dbsocket: received request \""+str(request)+"\""
if debug: print "dbsocket: request placed in the queue, waiting"
response = self.responseQueue.get()
if debug: print "dbsocket: got the response \""+str(response)+"\""
if debug: print "dbsocket: returning"
return response
# Start the dbsocket process running
def run(self):
"""Called by start method to start the dbsocket process.
This handles sending requests to the handler, processing
the responses, and dealing with any broadcast messages."""
global _debug
debug = _debug
# Use start_time as a flag to indicate whether we're
# currently waiting for a request
start_time = -1
# Set up a loop to run whileever the dbsocket is active
xml_response = ""
while self.active:
##if debug: print "In loop..."
if self.requestQueue.qsize() > 0 and start_time < 0:
# Get the next request and send it
request = self.requestQueue.get()
xml_request = request.xml()
if debug: print "dbsocket.run: got request: \""+str(xml_request)+"\""
if debug: print "dbsocket.run: request sent"
# Get the current time in case of timeout
start_time = time.time()
if debug: print "dbsocket.run: start_time = "+str(start_time)
if socket_is_readable(self.socket):
if debug: print "dbsocket.run: socket is readable"
# There is some data to read
xml_response = xml_response+str(self.socket.recv(4096))
if debug: print "dbsocket.run: read data from socket: \""+str(xml_response)+"\""
# Process the response
if xml_response != "" and xml_response[-1] == "\n":
response = dbResponse(xml_response)
for i in range(0,response.nresponses()):
if response.xml_line(i) == "":
# Empty string received from the handler
if debug: print "dbsocket.run: empty string received"\
+"from handler"
self.responseQueue.put(["ERROR","Empty string received"])
# Clear the current request
start_time = -1
elif response.is_broadcast(i):
# Add to the broadcast queue
if debug: print "dbsocket.run: detected broadcast"
print str(response.broadcast(i))
elif start_time >= 0.0:
# Check whether this is a response to a request
if response.is_response(i):
if response.response_id(i) == request.request_id():
# This is the correct response
# Add it to the response queue
if debug:
print "dbsocket.run: response id matched request id"
# Reset the timer
start_time = -1
# A response but with the wrong id
if debug:
print "dbsocket.run: bad response received: \""\
+str(xml_response)+"\" (ignored)"
# Not sure what this is
if debug: print "dbsocket.run: error assumed"
# Reset the response buffer
xml_response = ""
##if debug: print "dbsocket.run: checking for timeout..."
if self.timeout_exceeded(start_time):
# No response from server after timeout
# has elapsed
if debug: print "dbsocket.run: timeout condition reached"
self.responseQueue.put(["ERROR","Server timed out"])
# Clear this request
start_time = -1
# Close the connection
def close(self):
"""Close the dbsocket connection.
Terminate the socket connection to the handler and flag
the dbsocket as inactive."""
self.active = False
while self.isAlive() and ntries < 100:
# Keep checking until the thread has terminated
if self.isAlive():
print "dbsocket.close: warning, thread is still active"
return True
# Return true if timeout period has been exceeded
def timeout_exceeded(self,start_time):
"""Internal method: check whether the timeout has been exceeded.
Returns True if the elapsed time has exceeded the timeout
period, and False if not."""
if start_time < 0:
return False
if (time.time() - start_time) > self.timeout:
return True
return False
# Return number of broadcast messages in the queue
def nbroadcasts(self):
"""Return the number of broadcast messages waiting processing."""
return self.broadcastQueue.qsize()
# Pull the oldest broadcast message from the queue
def getbroadcast(self):
"""Return the oldest available broadcast message for processing.
Broadcast messages are put in a queue when received. Fetching
a broadcast message removes it from the queue."""
if self.nbroadcasts() > 0:
print 'broadcast:'
print self.broadcastQueue.get()
return self.broadcastQueue.get()
return ""
# Check and report broadcasts
class report_broadcast(threading.Thread):
"""Example of a thread process to monitor and report on broadcasts.
Given a dbsocket object, the report_broadcast object continually
checks for broadcast messages and prints them to stdout."""
def __init__(self,dbsock):
self.socket = dbsock
def run(self):
while self.socket.isActive():
while self.socket.nbroadcasts() > 0:
broadcast = self.socket.getbroadcast()
print "******************************************************"
print "Received broadcast message:\n"
print str(broadcast)
print "******************************************************"
# Test whether a specific socket is readable
def socket_is_readable(socket):
"""Checks whether the specified socket object is readable.
Returns True if data can be read from the socket, False if not."""
if not socket:
return False
slist = select.select([socket],[],[],0.01)
if len(slist[0]) > 0:
# Socket is ready to read
return True
except exceptions.Exception,e:
print "Exception in socket_is_readable: "+str(e)
return False
# Generate a unique request id
def get_request_id():
"""Generate a unique identifier string for a request."""
global _request_id
_request_id = _request_id + 1
requestid = "request#"+str(_request_id)
return requestid
# Report error
def report_error(error):
"""Internal error reporting method."""
print "dbsocket: error \""+str(error)+"\""