These are notes on how to install SQLite and the Python interface to use the SQLite backend for dbCCP4i.
Obtain the SQLite package from the SQLite download page:
Obtain the Python DB-API interface for SQLite from pysqlite download page:
There is also a pysqlite installation guide at:
Pysqlite requires the installation of the SQLite libraries (version 3.3.2 or better). I downloaded the source code of the source tree for SQLite version 3.3.4 from The installation instructions in the README file suggested that I should do the following:
For the Python bindings, Python 2.3 or better is required (in addition to having SQLite installed).
I downloaded pysqlite 2.1.3. As SQLite is installed in a non-standard location I had to edit the setup.cfg file to point to where the header files and libraries have been installed. Then I ran "python build" from the pysqlite-2.1.3 directory, but go the following error:
[pjx@ccp4t pysqlite-2.1.3]$ python build --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script requires setuptools version 0.6a9 to run (even to display help). I will attempt to download it for you (from, but you may need to enable firewall access for this script first. I will start the download in 15 seconds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloading Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 27, in ? use_setuptools() File "/home/pjx/PACKAGES/pysqlite-2.1.3/", line 84, in use_setuptools import setuptools; setuptools.bootstrap_install_from = egg OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
Try 2.0.7 instead ... however this gave the same errors. The following link gives a clue - it suggests that the minimum Python version for setuptools on 64-bit platforms is 2.4.
I downloaded Python 2.4.3 from and installed in a local area, then tried the 2.1.3 version of pysqlite - this time it appeared to compile without problems. I ran "python install" to install in the same area as the SQLite installation.
I then ran the tests as recommended in the installation document. Because I have installed everything in non-standard places, I needed to add the bin and lib directories to my PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variables respectively.