/* $Header: /noesis10/godv4/master/v4/source/include/ipe/v4ermsgs.h,v 1.28 1998/10/23 14:47:21 mi Exp $ */ /* * This file contains the internal visilog error codes. * * It should look like a serie of lines of the form: * #define NAME number) /*"associated string" * / * Note that this is C-compilable (the comment should actually be closed * correctly except that I can't do this if I want this file to compile) * * Only the first comment following a name definition is treated this * way; others are allowed anywhere in the file. The comment need not be * on the same line. * * WARNING : here, error code should be less than 0x1000 ; before adding please check that there no conflict with v4error.h */ #define UNKNOWN_PROC 0xFD000010L /* "Unknown procedure %s" */ #define BAD_PROC 0xFD000011L /* "Bad procedure %s" */ #define BAD_PROC_TYPE 0xFD000012L /* "Bad procedure type %s" */ #define NO_MORE_PROC 0xFD000013L /* "This procedure is no more available in Visilog 5.0" */ #define REPLACE_PROC 0xFD000014L /* "This procedure is no more available in Visilog 5.0. Use (%s) function instead" */ #define SEE_DOC_PROC 0xFD000015L /* "This procedure is no more available in Visilog 5.0. See %s documentation" */ #define NOT_AVAIL_PROC 0xFD000016L /* "This procedure is not available under %s" */ #define MSG_ALLOC 0xFD000020L /* "allocation of size %d" */ #define MSG_CHDIR 0xFD000021L /* "Cannot change to directory %s" */ #define MSG_NOLABEL32 0xFD000020L /* "Memory allocation failed\nor your application doesn't support LABEL32 images" */ #define READROW 0xFD000101L /* "ReadRow error" */ #define WRITEROW 0xFD000102L /* "WriteRow error" */ #define READPIX 0xFD000103L /* "ReadPix error" */ #define WRITEPIX 0xFD000104L /* "WritePix error" */ #define FILE_NAME 0xFD000080L /* "file name %s" */ #define FILE_SIZE 0xFD000081L /* "file name %s file size %d" */ #define NEG_FORMAT_SIZE 0xFD000090L /* "Bad format size (<=0)" */ #define GCODE_FORMAT 0xFD000091L /* "Bad format : field gcode" */ #define GBITS_FORMAT 0xFD000092L /* "Bad format : field gbits" */ #define OCODE_FORMAT 0xFD000093L /* "Bad format : field ocode" */ #define GTYPE_FORMAT 0xFD000094L /* "Bad format : field gtype" */ #define GRID_FORMAT 0xFD000095L /* "Bad format : field grid" */ #define MSG_READROW 0xFD000100L /* "ReadRow(image %s,row %d,size %d)" */ #define MSG_WRITEROW 0xFD000110L /* "WriteRow(image %s,row %d,size %d)" */ #define MSG_READPIX 0xFD000120L /* "ReadPix(image %s,column %d,row %d)" */ #define MSG_READPIX3D 0xFD000121L /* "ReadPix3D(image %s,column %d,row %d,plan %d)" */ #define MSG_WRITEPIX 0xFD000130L /* "WritePix(image %s,column %d,row %d)" */ #define MSG_WRITEPIX3D 0xFD000131L /* "WritePix3D(image %s,column %d,row %d,plan %d)" */ #define MSG_READCOL 0xFD000140L /* "ReadColumn(image %s,column %d,size %d)" */ #define MSG_WRITECOL 0xFD000150L /* "WriteColumn(image %s,column %d,size %d)" */ #define MSG_READLINE 0xFD000160L /* "ReadLine(image %s,from(%d,%d) to(%d,%d)" */ #define MSG_WRITELINE 0xFD000170L /* "WriteLine(image %s,from(%d,%d) to(%d,%d)" */ #define MSG_READPLANE 0xFD000171L /* "ReadpPlane(image %s,plane %d,size %d)" */ #define MSG_WRITEPLANE 0xFD000172L /* "WritePlane(image %s,plane %d,size %d)" */ #define UNKNOWN_IMAGE 0xFD000180L /* "Image (%s) not found" */ #define IMAGE_TYPE_ERR 0xFD000181L /* "Image (%s), illegal type %d" */ #define MSG_OVERFLOW 0xFD000182L /* "Overflow on image: %d > %d" */ #define BAD_PARAMETER 0xFD000183L /* "Parameter (%s) is incorrect " */ #define IMAGE_GRID_ERR 0xFD000184L /* "Image (%s), illegal grid %s" */ #define IMAGE_GCODE_MSG 0xFD000185L /* "Image (%s), type %s illegal for this operation" */ #define IMAGE_GCODE_ERR 0xFD000186L /* "Image (%s), image type must be %s" */ #define IMAGE_OPEN_MSG 0xFD000187L /* "Image (%s) cannot be opened" */ #define IMAGE_CLOSE_MSG 0xFD000188L /* "Image (%s) cannot be closed" */ #define IMAGE_MAP_MSG 0xFD000189L /* "Not enough memory to map image %s" */ #define IMAGE_COLOR_ERR 0xFD00018AL /* "Image (%s) must be color" */ #define IMAGE_MONO_ERR 0xFD00018BL /* "Image (%s) must be monochrome" */ #define IMAGE_COLOR_ID 0xFD00018CL /* "Type of image (%s) is identical to (%s)" */ #define AOI_ORIG_ERR 0xFD000190L /* "Bad AOI origin (%s) : %d" */ #define AOI_SIZE_ERR 0xFD000191L /* "Bad AOI size (%s) : %d" */ #define AOI_INDEX_ERR 0xFD000192L /* "Bad AOI index : %d" */ #define BAD_NO_AOI 0xFD000193L /* "Bad or no AOI or empty mask" */ #define BAD_IMG_COORD 0xFD000194L /* "Bad coordinates in image %s : (%d,%d)" */ #define BAD_COORD 0xFD000195L /* "Bad coordinates : (%d,%d)" */ #define BADTYPEORSIZE 0xFD000196L /* "Images %s and %s must have the same type and size" */ #define CONF_FILE_ERR 0xFD000200L /* "Config file %s not found" */ #define CONF_IDV_ERR 0xFD000201L /* "file %s - line %d : Idv name %s was not found" */ #define CONF_COM_ERR 0xFD000202L /* "file %s - line %d : Unfinished comment" */ #define CONF_BADCHR_ERR 0xFD000203L /* "file %s - line %d : Invalid characters after idv name %s" */ #define CONF_MISBLK_ERR 0xFD000204L /* "file %s - line %d : Missing block identifier '{'" */ #define CONF_EOF_ERR 0xFD000205L /* "Premature end of config file %s" */ #define CONF_LINLEN_ERR 0xFD000206L /* "file %s - line %d : Line too vlgInt32" */ #define CONF_DECODE_ERR 0xFD000207L /* "file %s - line %d : Decoding %s error" */ #define IDV_INIT_ERR 0xFD000210L /* "Init image device %s failed" */ #define IDV_CLOSE_ERR 0xFD000211L /* "Close image device %s failed" */ #define GRAPH_OVL 0xFD000212L /* "Overlay Error" */ #define LUT_PTR 0xFD000213L /* "No memory allocated for LUT buffer" */ #define BAD_HARD_OP 0xFD000214L /* "Hardware does not support operation %s" */ #define ENV_NAME 0xFD000215L /* "Environment variable %s not found" */ #define HARD_ERR 0xFD000216L /* "Missing store board and/or pixel clock generator (i.e. a display board)" */ #define GRAB_BADIDV_ERR 0xFD000300L /* "Illegal grabbing image device" */ #define GRAB_BADMOD_ERR 0xFD000301L /* "Image grabbing mode not allowed" */ #define GRAB_INCOMP_ERR 0xFD000302L /* "No grabbing mode for output image format" */ #define GRAB_OUTPUT_ERR 0xFD000303L /* "Problem with acquisition output image" */ #define GRAB_GETLOC_ERR 0xFD000304L /* "Unable to get an acquisition location" */ #define BAD_LOGICAL_CAM 0xFD000305L /* "Wrong logical camera index" */ #define GRAB_SIG_ERR 0xFD000306L /* "No input signal detected, check connections "*/ #define DB_NO_ROOT 0xFD000400L /* "Database has no root" */ #define DB_WRITE_POLY 0xFD000401L /* "Cannot write object %s of type "POLYNOMIALS"" */ #define DB_READ_POLY 0xFD000402L /* "Cannot read object %s of type "POLYNOMIALS"" */ #define DB_WRITE_CHAIN 0xFD000403L /* "Cannot write object %s of type "CHAINS"" */ #define DB_READ_CHAIN 0xFD000404L /* "Cannot read object %s of type "CHAINS"" */ #define DB_WRITE_SEGM 0xFD000405L /* "Cannot write object %s of type "SEGMENTS"" */ #define DB_READ_SEGM 0xFD000406L /* "Cannot read object %s of type "SEGMENTS"" */ #define DB_WRITE_CUT 0xFD000407L /* "Cannot write object %s of type "CUTS"" */ #define DB_READ_CUT 0xFD000408L /* "Cannot read object %s of type "CUTS"" */ #define DB_SAVE_FAILED 0xFD000409L /* "Couldn't save object %s in file %s" */ #define DB_READ_FAILED 0xFD000410L /* "Couldn't read object %s in file %s" */ #define DB_OBJECT_ERR 0xFD000411L /* "Object name is empty" */ #define DB_FILE_ERR 0xFD000412L /* "Filename is empty" */ #define DB_WRITE_SIMI 0xFD000413L /* "Cannot write object %s of type "SIMILITUDES"" */ #define DB_READ_SIMI 0xFD000414L /* "Cannot read object %s of type "SIMILITUDES"" */ #define DB_NAME_ERR 0xFD000415L /* "Empty %s name" */ #define DB_WRITE_CAL 0xFD000416L /* "Cannot write object %s of type "CALIB3D"" */ #define DB_READ_CAL 0xFD000417L /* "Cannot read object %s of type "CALIB3D"" */ #define DB_OBJ_NAME 0xFD000418L /* "Bad object name (NULL pointer or empty string)*/ #define DB_NO_SPACE 0xFD000419L /* "No more space in DATABASE (nb object>128)" */ #define DB_BAD_OBJTYPE 0xFD000420L /* "Type of object %s is not correct" */ #define DB_BAD_TYPE 0xFD000421L /* "Object type %s does not exist" */ #define DB_SEG_INDEX 0xFD000422L /* "Absolute segment index %d > number of segments" */ #define ANAL_NOGRAY 0xFD000500L /* "No grayscale image" */ #define ANAL_BLOB_ERR 0xFD000501L /* "No blobs in your image" */ #define ANAL_MANY_BLOBS 0xFD000502L /* "Too many blobs in your image" */ #define ANAL_NOTDISTRIB 0xFD000503L /* "Measure %s is not a distribution" */ #define LNK_BAD_MAXNB 0xFD000550L /* "Maximum number of pixels is too small" */ #define LNK_NOT_CHAIN 0xFD000551L /* "Chain number %ld is not a chain" */ #define LNK_NOT_FATHER 0xFD000552L /* "Chain number %ld is not a father chain" */ #define LNK_BAD_PARENT 0xFD000553L /* "Bad parent chain number reached" */ #define LNK_BAD_HEAD 0xFD000554L /* "Head of chain is invalid" */ #define LNK_BAD_CHILD 0xFD000555L /* "Bad child chain number reached" */ #define APP_BAD_TYPE 0xFD000556L /* "Bad polygonal approximation type" */ #define TIFF_INVALID 0xFD000600L /* "Invalid format in source tiff file" */ #define TIFF_READ_OVFL 0xFD000601L /* "Read overflow in tiff file directory" */ #define TIFF_UNK_ATTR 0xFD000602L /* "Unknown image attribute flag %d" */ #define TIFF_MULT_IMGS 0xFD000603L /* "Multiple images : image of index %d not found" */ #define TIFF_NO_DIMS 0xFD000605L /* "Image Dimensions not specified" */ #define TIFF_BAD_ORIEN 0xFD000607L /* "Specified image orientation not supported" */ #define TIFF_PREDICTION 0xFD000608L /* "Prediction flag value != 1 is not supported" */ #define TIFF_STRIP_ERR 0xFD000609L /* "Invalid or no image data pointer" */ #define TIFF_SAMP_ERR 0xFD000610L /* "Cannot support %d samples per pixel" */ #define TIFF_BIT_OVFL 0xFD000611L /* "Image contains too many bits per pixel" */ #define TIFF_RIGHT_LEFT 0xFD000612L /* "Cannot support right to left fill order */ #define TIFF_DATA_COMP 0xFD000613L /* "Cannot support data compression" */ #define TIFF_NO_BITS 0xFD000614L /* "Image specifies less than one bit/pixel!" */ #define TIFF_TOO_DEEP 0xFD000615L /* "Pixel depths above 32 bits not supported" */ #define TIFF_NO_FLOAT 0xFD000616L /* "Float images cannot be converted" */ #define TIFF_NO_Z 0xFD000617L /* "Cannot convert images with a Z-dimension" */ #define TIFF_CONV_FAULT 0xFD000618L /* "Image type not readable using many packages. Convert to char if necessary" */ #define TIFF_LESS_DATA 0xFD000619L /* "Tiff file contains less data (%ld strips less) than specified" */ #define JPEG_PREC_ERR 0xFD000700L /* "Unknown precision (%d)" */ #define JPEG_WPREC_ERR 0xFD000701L /* "JPEG uses 8-bit precision only!" */ #define JPEG_CSPACE_ERR 0xFD000702L /* "Unknown color space (id = %d)" */ #define COR_PTER 0xFD000810L /* "Corrupted pointer" */ #define HYPER_GENNBH 0xFD000910L /* "Bad number of hypotheses to generate" */ #define HYPER_EVANBH 0xFD000911L /* "Bad number of hypotheses to evaluate" */ #define HYPER_INDEX_ERR 0xFD000912L /* "Index %d greater than total number of similitudes %d for object %s" */ #define ST_SING_MATX 0xFD000A01L /* "Cannot invert singular matrix" */ #define LENSE_NUMBER_ERR 0xFD000B00L /* "Bad lense number index (%d)" */ #define FACTOR_NUMBER_ERR 0xFD000B01L /* "Bad factor number index (%d)" */ #define POSITION_ERR 0xFD000B02L /* "Bad coordinate(s)" */ #define FILE_STAGE_ERR 0xFD000B03L /* "Cannot %s file %s" */ #define JOYSTICK_ERR 0xFD000B04L /* "The joystick is ON - please switch it OFF" */ #define PORT_NAME_ERR 0xFD000B05L /* "Port name is void" */ #define UNKNOWN_STAGE_ERR 0xFD000B06L /* "Unknown controller type (%s)" */ #define STAGE_INIT_ERR 0xFD000B07L /* "Initialisation failed for controller %s on port %s" */ #define CNTRL_NO_REPLY 0xFD000B08L /* "No answer from controller %s (port %s)" */ #define GETPOS_ERR 0xFD000B09L /* "Error when getting position" */ #define GETSTAT_ERR 0xFD000B0AL /* "Error when getting status" */ #define SETPOS_ERR 0xFD000B0BL /* "Error when setting position" */ #define HOME_POS_ERR 0xFD000B0CL /* "Home position error on %s axis" */ #define NO_Z_AXIS 0xFD000B0DL /* "Z axis is not driven" */ #define BAD_CAMSIZE 0xFD000B0EL /* "Unexpected camera/size" */ #define TRAJECT_ERR 0xFD000B11L /* "Error in computing trajectory (%s)" */ #define BAD_TRAJ_FNAME 0xFD000B12L /* "Bad trajectory file name" */ #define TRAJNAME_ERR 0xFD000B13L /* "Trajectory file name not initialised" */ #define TRAJECT_0 0xFD000B14L /* "0 fields computed in trajectory" */ #define TRAJ_TYPE_ERR 0xFD000B15L /* "Unknown trajectory type (%d)" */ #define TRAJ_SHAPE_ERR 0xFD000B16L /* "Unknown trajectory shape (%d)" */ #define REGISTRY_ERR 0xFD000C00L /* "Key %s not found" */ #define COMFAILED 0xFD000D00L /* "Serial port failure for device %s" */ #define DEVNOTACC 0xFD000D01L /* "Cannot acces device file %s" */ #define FREE_PORT_ERR 0xFD000D02L /* "No free communication port found" */ #define SNK_PAR_TABL_NIL 0xFD000E00L /* "Table parameter is NULL" */ #define SNK_PAR_STR_NIL 0xFD000E01L /* "Structure pointer is NULL" */ #define SNK_PAR_CLC_PTS 0xFD000E02L /* "Field (nbpoint) must be strictly positive\n the snake must have initial points..." */ #define SNK_PAR_CLC_TYP 0xFD000E03L /* "Field (type) must be 0 or 1\nas the snake is closed or open" */ #define SNK_PAR_CLC_NAM 0xFD000E04L /* "Field (name) must be initialised with \nthe snake name" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_DEG 0xFD000E05L /* "Spline degree must be strictly positive" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_NPTS 0xFD000E06L /* "You must have at least 2 control points\nto create a spline" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_DENS 0xFD000E07L /* "Sampling density must be strictly positive" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_MX_ANGL 0xFD000E08L /* "maxDiffAngle must be strictly positive\nto aproximate a contour" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_SMOOTH 0xFD000E09L /* "Smoothing parameter must be positive or null" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_MOD 0xFD000E0AL /* "parametrization must be 0,1,2 or 3" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_AUTO 0xFD000E0BL /* "autonum must be 0 or 1" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_MTYPE 0xFD000E0CL /* "Type of transformation is invalid" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_SMOD 0xFD000E0DL /* "Spline model must be 0 or 1" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_SMOOTH_MOD 0xFD000E0EL /* "Smooth mode must be 0 or 1" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_MX_IT 0xFD000E0FL /* "You must have at least 2 iteration" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_MX_SAB 0xFD000E10L /* "You must have at least 1 iteration test" */ #define SNK_PAR_OPT_ITSAB 0xFD000E11L /* "You can compute %d total iterations\nand %d iteration test" */ #define SNK_CAL_INI_OPT 0xFD000E12L /* "Cancel during read options" */ #define SNK_CAL_INI_CNT 0xFD000E13L /* "Cancel during creation contour" */ #define SNK_CAL_INI_SPL 0xFD000E14L /* "Cancel during spline creation" */ #define SNK_CAL_INI_SNK 0xFD000E15L /* "Cancel during snake creation" */ #define BAD_FIBERS 0xFD000F00L /* "Bad number of good fibers" */ #define BAD_FIBERS_IMA 0xFD000F01L /* "Image has not passed yet through a %s operation" */ #define FIBERS_TIMA_ERR 0xFD000F02L /* "Cannot open temporary image %s" */ #define FIBERS_INFO_ERR 0xFD000F03L /* "Bad image/fiber index" */ #define FIBERS_NOIMPROC 0xFD000F04L /* "At least one image must have been processed before using this command" */ #define FIBERS_3PT_ERR 0xFD000F05L /* "Too many triple points" */ #define FIBERS_LEN_ERR 0xFD000F06L /* "At least 2 points needed" */ #define SEQ_PLANENB 0xFD001100L /* "Image (%s): Z size is %d, should be %d" */ #define SEQ_ROWNB 0xFD001101L /* "Image (%s): Y size is %d, should be %d" */ #define SEQ_EO_GTYPE 0xFD001102L /* "Image (%s): GTYPE is %d, should be %d" */ #define MSG_RECIMG_ERR 0xFD001110L /* "RecImg : Images (%s) and (%s), correl function (%d) and correl type (%d)" */ #define NO_CATCH 0xFDFFFFFDL /* "Ip Function failed" */ #define NO_MESSAGE 0xFDFFFFFEL /* "..." */ #define MY_MESSAGE 0xFDFFFFFFL /* "%s" */