/* $Header: /noesis10/godv4/master/v4/source/include/v4error.h,v 1.24 1998/12/01 14:22:14 mi Exp $ */ /* * This file contains the internal visilog error codes. * * It should look like a serie of lines of the form: * #define NAME number) /*"associated string" * / * Note that this is C-compilable (the comment should actually be closed * correctly except that I can't do this if I want this file to compile) * * Only the first comment following a name definition is treated this * way; others are allowed anywhere in the file. The comment need not be * on the same line. */ #ifdef NOERROR #undef NOERROR #endif /**************************************** * RM ERROR MESSAGES * ****************************************/ /* SYSTEM ERRORS */ #define MemoryError 0xFE001001 /* "Memory error" */ #define AllocationError 0xFE001002 /* "Allocation error\nC interpreter out of space" */ #define SocketError 0xFE001003 /* "Socket Error" */ #define IllegalDirectory 0xFE001004 /* "Illegal directory" */ #define WordTooLong 0xFE001005 /* "Word too vlgInt32" */ #define UnexpectedEOF 0xFE001006 /* "Unexpected end of file" */ #define FileOpenError 0xFE001007 /* "Cannot open %s" */ #define WindowExecError 0xFE001008 /* "System command execution error code : %d" */ #define FileCloseWOopen 0xFE001009 /* "Close of FILE pointer without open" */ #define MemoryFreeFailed 0xFE00100A /* "Memory free failed" */ #define UserInterrupt 0xFE00100B /* "User interruption" */ /* C SYNTAX */ #define SyntaxError 0xFE002001 /* "Syntax error" */ #define MissingSemCol 0xFE002002 /* "Expected semi-colon" */ #define ExpectedColon 0xFE002003 /* "Expected ':'" */ #define ExpectedComma 0xFE002004 /* "Expected comma" */ #define LeftSquareBracket 0xFE002005 /* "Expected left square bracket" */ #define RightSquareBracket 0xFE002006 /* "Expected right square bracket" */ #define LeftParenthesis 0xFE002007 /* "Expected left parenthesis" */ #define RightParenthesis 0xFE002008 /* "Expected right parenthesis" */ #define LeftBraceBracket 0xFE002009 /* "Expected left brace bracket" */ #define RightBraceBracket 0xFE002010 /* "Expected right brace bracket" */ #define NotDeclared 0xFE002011 /* "%s not declared" */ #define IllegalDefine 0xFE002012 /* "Illegal #define syntax" */ #define IllegalIfdef 0xFE002013 /* "Illegal #ifdef/ifndef syntax" */ #define MissingEndif 0xFE002014 /* "Missing #endif" */ #define InvalidHeaderFile 0xFE002015 /* "Invalid header file name" */ #define InvalidHeaderFileName 0xFE002016 /* "Invalid header file name:\n%s" */ #define ExpectingDeclaration 0xFE002017 /* "Expecting symbol or\nprocedure declaration" */ #define ExpectingSymbol 0xFE002018 /* "Symbol name expected" */ #define EOFOnDeclaration 0xFE002019 /* "Premature EOF on procedure\nor variable declaration" */ #define TypeDeclNotSupported 0xFE002020 /* "Procedure and parameter\ntype declarations\nnot supported" */ #define ProcDeclNotSupported 0xFE002021 /* "Redeclaration of built-in\nprocedure %s\nnot allowed" */ #define LocalAlreadyDeclared 0xFE002022 /* "Identifier %s already declared" */ #define IllegalProto 0xFE002023 /* "Illegal structure prototype" */ #define UnknownStructMember 0xFE002024 /* "%s: unknown struct member" */ #define ChildBeforeCall 0xFE002025 /* "CHILD field should be\ndeclared before any CALL()" */ #define ExpectedWhile 0xFE002026 /* "Expected keyword while" */ #define ExpectedEqual 0xFE002027 /* "Expected '=' operator" */ #define InvalidExpression 0xFE002028 /* "Invalid expression" */ #define RefToNonArray 0xFE002029 /* "Array reference to\nnon-array" */ #define IndexOutOfRange 0xFE002030 /* "Index out of range\non table reference" */ #define IllegalStructure 0xFE002031 /* "Illegal structure" */ #define PointerNotSupported 0xFE002032 /* "Pointer not supported" */ #define UnknownVariable 0xFE002033 /* "%s not a variable" */ #define ExpectedIdentifier 0xFE002034 /* "Expected identifier name" */ #define LeftHandVariable 0xFE002035 /* "Left-hand side of assignment\nmust be a variable" */ #define TypeError 0xFE002036 /* "Internal error: type = %d" */ #define ScanError 0xFE002037 /* "Unknown character: %c" */ #define FloatingPoint 0xFE002038 /* "Floating Point Exception" */ #define DivideByZero 0xFE002039 /* "Divide by zero" */ #define IllegalRedefinition 0xFE002040 /* "Illegal redefinition of %s" */ /* VISILOG LIBRARIES */ #define UnknownGlobal 0xFE003001 /* "%s is not a global variable" */ #define IllegalDataType 0xFE003002 /* "Illegal data type" */ #define ArrayDataError 0xFE003003 /* "Array data error" */ #define IllegalName 0xFE003004 /* "%s: Illegal name" */ #define IllegalReference 0xFE003005 /* "Illegal reference" */ #define BufferToShort 0xFE003006 /* "%s: buffer too short" */ #define InvalidProcFile 0xFE003007 /* "Invalid procedure file\nor mismatch between text and compiled version of the file\nTry to start Visilog with the -f option\n" */ /* OBJECT MANAGEMENT */ #define UnknownObject 0xFE004001 /* "Unknown Object" */ #define MultipleDeclaration 0xFE004002 /* "Multiple declaration" */ #define UnknownChild 0xFE004003 /* "Unknown child" */ #define TooManyObjects 0xFE004004 /* "Too many objects" */ #define TooManyFields 0xFE004005 /* "Too many fields" */ #define UnknownField 0xFE004006 /* "Unknown field" */ #define CRmReadNameFileFirst 0xFE004007 /* "CRmReadNameFile has not been called" */ #define InvalidBinaryFile 0xFE004008 /* "Invalid binary format" */ #define WritingBinaryFile 0xFE004009 /* "Problem writing binary file" */ #define ReadingBinaryFile 0xFE004010 /* "Problem reading binary file" */ #define UnknownObjectRef 0xFE004011 /* "Object or procedure %s does not exist" */ /* PROCEDURES MANAGEMENT */ #define UnknownProc 0xFE005001 /* "Unknown procedure" */ #define IllegalProcParNum 0xFE005002 /* "Parameter number mismatch" */ #define ProcError 0xFE005003 /* "Procedure error" */ #define UnknownCallback 0xFE005004 /* "Unknown callback" */ #define UnimplementedFunction 0xFE005005 /* "Unknown function" */ #define NotEnoughParameters 0xFE005006 /* "Not enough parameters for %s" */ #define NotAProcedure 0xFE005007 /* "%s not a procedure" */ #define NoBodyProc 0xFE005008 /* "Procedure %s has no body" */ #define FormatMismatch 0xFE005009 /* "mismatch between format\nand argument count" */ #define InvalidFormat 0xFE005010 /* "format string invalid" */ #define MainUndefined 0xFE005011 /* "main is undefined\ncheck Visilogrc" */ #define MoreThanTenPar 0xFE005012 /* "%s has more than 10 parameters" */ /* GUI MANAGEMENT */ #define ObjectWithoutCallback 0xFE006001 /* "Object called does not have a callback" */ #define NoMainMenu 0xFE006002 /* "Main window must have a bar menu" */ #define NoWindowMenu 0xFE006003 /* "Main window must have a window sub-menu" */ #define ClientSetupFailure 0xFE006004 /* "Failure in setup of MDI client window" */ #define UnknownClass 0xFE006005 /* "Unknown class" */ #define UnknownCard 0xFE006006 /* "Unknown card" */ #define UnknownWindow 0xFE006007 /* "Unknown window" */ #define UnknownMenu 0xFE006008 /* "Unknown menu" */ #define NullMetacard 0xFE006009 /* "Null metacard" */ #define MissingInitCard 0xFE006010 /* "Missing Init Card" */ #define UnknownWidget 0xFE006011 /* "Unknown widget" */ #define UnknownDisplay 0xFE006012 /* "Unknown display" */ #define OperationAborted 0xFE006013 /* "Current operation aborted" */ #define AlreadyWorking 0xFE006014 /* "Visilog is currently working,\npress OK to complete current job,\nor Cancel to discard it." */ /* DEBUGGER */ #define StopAtError 0xFE007001 /* "at expected\n" */ #define IllegalProcedureName 0xFE007002 /* "Illegal procedure name\n" */ #define DebuggerSyntaxError 0xFE007003 /* "Syntax error\n" */ #define DeleteError 0xFE007004 /* "delete [all][# breakpoint] expected\n" */ #define DebuggerActive 0xFE007005 /* "The debugger is currently active\nContinue current job ?" */ /* LOO */ #define IllegalObjectDeclaration 0xFE008005 /* "Illegal object declaration" */ #define PrivateField 0xFE008006 /* "Cannot acces %s (private field)" */ #define ImpossibleSubObject 0xFE008007 /* "Impossible sub-object" */ #define ImpossibleMetaObject 0xFE008008 /* "Impossible meta-object" */ #define ExpectingObject 0xFE008009 /* "expecting object" */ #define ExpectingMetaObject 0xFE008010 /* "expecting meta-object" */ #define IllegalMessageAccess 0xFE008011 /* "Illegal access to message parameters" */ #define LooConflict 0xFE008012 /* "Name conflict for field %s" */ /**************************************** * IPE ERROR MESSAGES * ****************************************/ #define NOERROR 0x00000000L /* "No error" */ #define LLERROR 0xffffffffL /* "Low level error" */ #define ABORT 0x00000001L /* "operation aborted" */ #define SYSTEM_RSC_ERR 0xff010000L /* "Error on system call" */ #define SYS_FILE_ERR 0xff010100L /* "Error on file IOs"" */ #define MEMORY_ALLOC_ERR -16711677 /* 0xff010003L / * "Memory allocation failed" */ #define IO_DSKACCESS_ERR 0xff010100L /* "Open/Close/Access failed" */ #define IO_DSKRWSEEK_ERR 0xff010101L /* "Read/Write/Seek failed" */ #define IO_DSKSTATUS_ERR 0xff010102L /* "Cannot get file status" */ #define IO_DSKSIZE_ERR 0xff010103L /* "Bad file size" */ #define IO_RMDIR_ERR 0xff010104L /* "Cannot remove the directory" */ #define IO_DSKREMOVE_ERR 0xff010105L /* "Cannot remove the file" */ #define ILLEGAL_FORMAT_ERR 0xff020000L /* "Error on image format" */ #define UNKNOWN_GCODE_ERR 0xff020001L /* "Arithmetic code is unknown" */ #define ILLEGAL_GCODE_ERR 0xff020002L /* "Arithmetic code is illegal" */ #define ILLEGAL_GRID_ERR 0xff020003L /* "Grid code is illegal" */ #define ILLEGAL_GTYPE_ERR 0xff020004L /* "Geometric type is illegal" */ #define UNKNOWN_PHYSKEY_ERR 0xff020005L /* "ID Key is unknown" */ #define ILLEGAL_PHYSKEY_ERR 0xff020006L /* "ID Key is illegal" */ #define UNKNOWN_DSKTYPE_ERR 0xff020011L /* "Image filetype is unknown" */ #define ILLEGAL_DSKTYPE_ERR 0xff020012L /* "Image filetype is illegal" */ #define INOUT_IMAGE_ERR 0xff020013L /* "I/O images must be different" */ #define NULL_IMAGE_NF_ERR 0xff020020L /* "Image handle is (nil)" */ #define UNKNOWN_IMAGE_ERR 0xff020021L /* "Image is unknown" */ #define TOOMANY_IMAGES_ERR 0xff020022L /* "Too many images are opened" */ #define EMPTY_IMGNAME_ERR 0xff020023L /* "Image name is empty" */ #define ILLEGAL_IMGNAME_ERR 0xff020024L /* "Image name is illegal" */ #define BAD_IMGIORANGE_ERR -16646107 /* 0xff020025L / * "IO Request is out of range" */ #define IMPROPER_IMAGE_ERR 0xff020026L /* "Image structure is improper" */ #define INCOMP_IMAGE_TYPE 0xff020027L /* "Incompatible image type" */ #define IMAGE_MEMORY_ERR 0xff020028L /* "Image Memory Depth, Size too short" */ #define INCOMP_IMAGE_LOC_ERR 0xff020029L /* "Incompatible image location and specification" */ #define TEMPO_IMAGE_ERR 0xff02002AL /* "Cannot get a temporary image" */ #define AOI_ERR 0xff020030L /* "Error on Area of Interest" */ #define ILLEGAL_COORDINATES 0xff020031L /* "Illegal coordinates" */ #define INVAL_PARAMETER_ERR 0xff020100L /* "Invalid parameter" */ #define VAL_OVERFLOW_ERR 0xff020101L /* "Overflow on value" */ #define ILLEGAL_IDEVNUM_ERR 0xff020200L /* "Illegal image device number" */ #define ILLEGAL_IDEVNAME_ERR 0xff020201L /* "Illegal image device name" */ #define TOOMANY_IDEV_ERR 0xff020202L /* "Too many hardware devices" */ #define NO_IDEV_ERR 0xff020203L /* "No Image Device Available" */ #define IO_IDVACCESS_ERR 0xff020204L /* "Hardware access failed" */ #define SET_TURBO_ERR 0xff020205L /* "Set turbo failed" */ #define TURBO_BUSY_ERR 0xff020206L /* "Processor busy" */ #define ILLEGAL_IDV_MEMO_ERR 0xff020210L /* "Illegal memory device" */ #define ILLEGAL_IDV_DISP_ERR 0xff020211L /* "Illegal display device" */ #define ILLEGAL_IDV_GRAB_ERR 0xff020212L /* "Illegal acquisition device" */ #define MY_DRIVER_ERR 0xff020220L /* "Custom driver error" */ #define DRIVER_ERR 0xff020221L /* "Error in a Visilog 5 driver" */ #define WIN_DRIVER_ERR 0xff020222L /* "Windows driver error" */ #define X11_DRIVER_ERR 0xff02022BL /* "X-Window driver error" */ #define FLP_DRIVER_ERR 0xff020231L /* "FlashPoint driver error" */ #define MTO_DRIVER_ERR 0xff020232L /* "Meteor driver error" */ #define MT2_DRIVER_ERR 0xff020233L /* "Meteor II driver error" */ #define TCI_DRIVER_ERR 0xff020234L /* "Coreco TCI driver error" */ #define PUL_DRIVER_ERR 0xff020235L /* "Pulsar driver error" */ #define GEN_DRIVER_ERR 0xff020236L /* "Genesis driver error" */ #define IDV_READ_CONFIG_ERR 0xff020301L /* "Reading configuration error" */ #define IDV_CHCK_CONFIG_ERR 0xff020302L /* "Configuration not consistent" */ #define IDV_NOT_OPENED_ERR 0xff020303L /* "Image device not opened" */ #define IDV_PREV_OPENED_ERR 0xff020304L /* "Image device previously opened" */ #define IDV_GRAB_ERR 0xff020400L /* "Image acquisition failure" */ #define PAD_INDEX_ERR 0xff020410L /* "Bad pad index" */ #define SLOT_INDEX_ERR 0xff020410L /* "Bad slot index" */ #define SLOT_XPOS_ERR 0xff020411L /* "Wrong X position" */ #define SLOT_YPOS_ERR 0xff020411L /* "Wrong Y position" */ #define NOIMASCROLL_ERR 0xff020411L /* "No image to scroll" */ #define NOSCROLL_ERR 0xff020411L /* "Sroll mode is not ON" */ #define SROLLVAL_ERR 0xff020411L /* "Wrong scroll zoom" */ #define LINK_ERR 0xff020500L /* "Error while linking" */ #define ANALYSIS_ERR 0xff020600L /* "Error in Analysis" */ #define DATABASE_ERR 0xff020700L /* "Problem with the DATABASE" */ #define TIFF_ERR 0xff020800L /* "Tiff file format error" */ #define OCR_ERR 0xff020900L /* "Error in the O.C.R. extension" */ #define NGS_ERR 0xff021000L /* "Error in the 3D reconstruction" */ #define HYPER_ERR 0xff022000L /* "Error in an HYPER function" */ #define CORREL_ERR 0xff023000L /* "Error in a CORRELATION function" */ #define JPEG_ERR 0xff024000L /* "JPEG file format error" */ #define IM_OFFSET_INVALID_ERR 0xff030001L /* "Line offset is not a power of 2" */ #define UMATIC_ERR 0xff040000L /* "Error when using U-matic module" */ #define PROTECTION_KEY_ERR 0xff050000L /* "Protection key is not present" */ #define READ_REGISTRY_ERR 0xff060000L /* "Can't read Registry key" */ #define WRITE_REGISTRY_ERR 0xff060001L /* "Can't write Registry key" */ #define TWAIN_ERR 0xff070000L /* "Error in TWAIN acquisition" */ #define STAGE_ERR 0xff080000L /* "Error in STAGE package" */ #define COMM_ERR 0xff090000L /* "Communication error" */ #define SNAKE_PARAM_ERR 0xFF0A0000L /* "Snake error" */ #define FIBERS_ERR 0xFF0B0000L /* "Error in a FIBERS function" */