# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ sphinx.theming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Theming support for HTML builders. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2016 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import os import shutil import zipfile import tempfile from os import path from six import string_types, iteritems from six.moves import configparser try: import pkg_resources except ImportError: pkg_resources = False from sphinx import package_dir from sphinx.errors import ThemeError NODEFAULT = object() THEMECONF = 'theme.conf' class Theme(object): """ Represents the theme chosen in the configuration. """ themes = {} @classmethod def init_themes(cls, confdir, theme_path, warn=None): """Search all theme paths for available themes.""" cls.themepath = list(theme_path) cls.themepath.append(path.join(package_dir, 'themes')) for themedir in cls.themepath[::-1]: themedir = path.join(confdir, themedir) if not path.isdir(themedir): continue for theme in os.listdir(themedir): if theme.lower().endswith('.zip'): try: zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(path.join(themedir, theme)) if THEMECONF not in zfile.namelist(): continue tname = theme[:-4] tinfo = zfile except Exception: if warn: warn('file %r on theme path is not a valid ' 'zipfile or contains no theme' % theme) continue else: if not path.isfile(path.join(themedir, theme, THEMECONF)): continue tname = theme tinfo = None cls.themes[tname] = (path.join(themedir, theme), tinfo) @classmethod def load_extra_theme(cls, name): if name in ('alabaster', 'sphinx_rtd_theme'): if name == 'alabaster': import alabaster themedir = alabaster.get_path() # alabaster theme also requires 'alabaster' extension, it will be loaded # at sphinx.application module. elif name == 'sphinx_rtd_theme': import sphinx_rtd_theme themedir = sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path() else: raise NotImplementedError('Programming Error') else: for themedir in load_theme_plugins(): if path.isfile(path.join(themedir, name, THEMECONF)): break else: # specified theme is not found return cls.themepath.append(themedir) cls.themes[name] = (path.join(themedir, name), None) return def __init__(self, name, warn=None): if name not in self.themes: self.load_extra_theme(name) if name not in self.themes: raise ThemeError('no theme named %r found ' '(missing theme.conf?)' % name) self.name = name # Do not warn yet -- to be compatible with old Sphinxes, people *have* # to use "default". # if name == 'default' and warn: # warn("'default' html theme has been renamed to 'classic'. " # "Please change your html_theme setting either to " # "the new 'alabaster' default theme, or to 'classic' " # "to keep using the old default.") tdir, tinfo = self.themes[name] if tinfo is None: # already a directory, do nothing self.themedir = tdir self.themedir_created = False else: # extract the theme to a temp directory self.themedir = tempfile.mkdtemp('sxt') self.themedir_created = True for name in tinfo.namelist(): if name.endswith('/'): continue dirname = path.dirname(name) if not path.isdir(path.join(self.themedir, dirname)): os.makedirs(path.join(self.themedir, dirname)) fp = open(path.join(self.themedir, name), 'wb') fp.write(tinfo.read(name)) fp.close() self.themeconf = configparser.RawConfigParser() self.themeconf.read(path.join(self.themedir, THEMECONF)) try: inherit = self.themeconf.get('theme', 'inherit') except configparser.NoOptionError: raise ThemeError('theme %r doesn\'t have "inherit" setting' % name) # load inherited theme automatically #1794, #1884, #1885 self.load_extra_theme(inherit) if inherit == 'none': self.base = None elif inherit not in self.themes: raise ThemeError('no theme named %r found, inherited by %r' % (inherit, name)) else: self.base = Theme(inherit, warn=warn) def get_confstr(self, section, name, default=NODEFAULT): """Return the value for a theme configuration setting, searching the base theme chain. """ try: return self.themeconf.get(section, name) except (configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): if self.base is not None: return self.base.get_confstr(section, name, default) if default is NODEFAULT: raise ThemeError('setting %s.%s occurs in none of the ' 'searched theme configs' % (section, name)) else: return default def get_options(self, overrides): """Return a dictionary of theme options and their values.""" chain = [self.themeconf] base = self.base while base is not None: chain.append(base.themeconf) base = base.base options = {} for conf in reversed(chain): try: options.update(conf.items('options')) except configparser.NoSectionError: pass for option, value in iteritems(overrides): if option not in options: raise ThemeError('unsupported theme option %r given' % option) options[option] = value return options def get_dirchain(self): """Return a list of theme directories, beginning with this theme's, then the base theme's, then that one's base theme's, etc. """ chain = [self.themedir] base = self.base while base is not None: chain.append(base.themedir) base = base.base return chain def cleanup(self): """Remove temporary directories.""" if self.themedir_created: try: shutil.rmtree(self.themedir) except Exception: pass if self.base: self.base.cleanup() def load_theme_plugins(): """load plugins by using``sphinx_themes`` section in setuptools entry_points. This API will return list of directory that contain some theme directory. """ if not pkg_resources: return [] theme_paths = [] for plugin in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('sphinx_themes'): func_or_path = plugin.load() try: path = func_or_path() except: path = func_or_path if isinstance(path, string_types): theme_paths.append(path) else: raise ThemeError('Plugin %r does not response correctly.' % plugin.module_name) return theme_paths