Key Bindings
- Changing the slice number
Space - Go to next slice
Backspace - Go to previous slice
Home - Go to first slice
End - Go to last slice
- Translating the editable slice
CursorUp - Translation one pixel up
CursorDown - Translation one pixel down
CursorLeft - Translation one pixel left
CursorRight - Translation one pixel right
Shift+CursorUp - Translation five pixels up
Shift+CursorDown - Translation five pixels down
Shift+CursorLeft - Translation five pixels left
Shift+CursorRight - Translation five pixels right
- Rotating the editable slice
Ctrl+CursorUp - 0.10 degree counter clockwise rotation
Ctrl+CursorDown - 0.10 degree clockwise rotation
Ctrl+Shift+CursorUp - 1.0 degree counter clockwise rotation
Ctrl+Shift+CursorDown - 1.0 degree clockwise rotation
- Changing the editable slice
1 - Set the editable slice to be the lower slice. While you hold the key down,
only the lower slice will be visible.
2 - Set the editable slice to be the upper slice. While you hold the key down,
only the upper slice will be visible.
- Changing the alignment algorithm
C - Set the gravity centers alignment as current alignment algorithm.
G - Set the least squares alignment as current alignment algorithm.
L - Set the landmarks alignment as current alignment algorithm.
E - Set the edge detection alignment as current alignment algorithm.
- Editing landmarks
Insert - Set the shape of the mouse cursor to a black landmark.
Clicking on the slice a new landmark is to be created.
Delete - Delete the selected landmark. This takes effect only
when the number of landmarks is greater than 3.
Escape - Pressing Escape if a landmark is selected causes this landmark
to be deselected. Pressing Escape after the Insert key was pressed,
causes the insert operation to be aborted.
- Changing the edit mode
Escape - Pressing Escape allows you to switch between editing slices mode
and editing landmarks mode. However, this doesn't happen if the current edit mode
is editing landmarks and a landmark is selected. In this case, the landmark
will be deselected. Pressing Escape once more causes editing slices to
become the new edit mode.