Interface Component: PortDicombrowser ()


This port is used to define a directory and displaying dicom results in a dedicated browser. The directory may be either manually typed in the text field, or it may be selected using the directory browser. When defining a new directory, all its arborescence is parsed to find all dicom files.

The dicom browser displays the results as a list of items described with a set of parameters previously chosen. By default, these parameters are the patient id and name. When selecting an item in the dicom browser and clicking on the Open button, or double-clicking it, the corresponding files are automatically loaded in the project view.


Inherits all commands of Port.

Returns the directory.

setValue <directory>
Sets the directory.

Returns the parameters.

setParameters <param1>,...,<paramN>
Sets the parameters. They must be defined as a list of group and elements as described in the Dicom data dictionnary. For example, the patient ID data element is defined with the value 0010-0010.

Returns the labels of data loaded as a result of the dicom browser dialog.