Data Type: Field ()


This class is the base class for all 3D fields in , e.g., scalar fields, vector fields, or color fields with uniform, stacked, or some other coordinates, or for fields defined on unstructured finite-element grids. This class provides a transparent interface to evaluate the field at any position without needing to know how the field is actually represented. This interface can be accessed via the Tcl command eval described below. A field may have an arbitrary number of data variables which can be queried using the Tcl command nDataVar. For example, a scalar field has one data variable, while a vector field has three.


Inherits all commands of Spatial Data.

Returns the number of data variables of the field.

eval <x> <y> <z>
Evaluates the field at the position <x> <y> <z>. On success the command returns as many numbers as there are data variables. The command may fail because the specified position lies outside of the grid the field is defined on. In this case, the string domain error is returned.

Returns the primitive data type of the field, i.e., the way how the values are represented internally. A number with the following meaning is returned: 0 = bytes, 1 = 16-bit signed integers, 2 = 32-bit signed integers, 3 = 32-bit floating point values, 4 = 64-bit floating point values, 7 = 16-bit unsigned integers.