Data Type: Hexa Grid ()


A data object of type Hexa Grid represents an unstructured finite-element grid composed of hexahedrons. The geometric information is stored in terms of vertices, edges, faces, and hexahedrons. Like a Label Field with its uniform hexahedral grid structure a hexahedral grid also contains a 'dictionary' of different material types or regions. In addition to the material names the dictionary may contain colors and other parameters related to material properties.


hasMaterial <name>
Returns true if the specified material is defined in the material section of the Hexa Grid.

Returns the number of duplicated nodes, i.e., nodes with exact identical coordinates. Such nodes may be used in order to represent discontinuous piecewise linear fields.

Removes all duplicated points from the grid. No field object must be connected to the grid.

add <othergrid>
Copies all vertices and hexahedrons from an other hexahedral grid into this one.

removeHexa <n>
Marks the hexahedral cell specified by <n> as obsolete.

Removes all obsolete hexahedrons from the grid.

Fixes the orientation of all hexahedrons so that the enclosed volume is positive.