Module: TriGridCreator (2D) ()


This module is derived from a TriangularGrid and is useful to create a small 2D triangular grid for test purposes.

As an add on a data field can be created, too.



Radio box to choose what kind of base polygon should be created.


If the starshaped toggle is set the triangulation includes a center vertex.

If the red refinement toggle is active the chosen grid will be refined once globally following the so-called red or regular refinement strategy.

Create Data

Radio box to choose if a datafield should be created suitable for the chosen grid.

Initial Values

Input fields to set the initial values of a datafield. This port is only shown if the above port Create Data is not set to no.

Create Grid

This button creates the grid and an optional datafield according to the above settings.


refine [<triangle list>]
This command lets you refine all or a list of blank separated triangles. The triangles are refined according to the red refinement strategy. If not all triangles are selected for refinement the closure will be done using the green refinement.