Module: Point Wrap Triangulation ()
This algorithm performs a surface reconstruction from a set of unorganized points. It models a probe sphere, that is being 'dropped' onto and then 'rolled over' the set of points. Every three points the sphere rests on during this tour become a triangle in the resulting surface. The result is (almost) guaranteed to be an oriented manifold.Press the Apply button to start the computation.
Data [required]
The input point set.
Probe Radius
This slider specifies the radius of the probe sphere. It is only relevant if the module is run in the fixed radius mode and when looking for an initial triangle. If the algorithm is unable to find an initial triangle try increasing this value.Search Axis
The direction the probe is initially dropped from to find a starting triangle. If no such triangle can be found, try a different axis.Probe Mode
Here you can choose the probe radius to be fixed throughout the whole computation or to adapt it to local feature size. Adaptive probe size is faster than fixed probe size and gives better details on point sets that are relatively 'well behaved'. However, it is less robust.Enlargement
If the algorithm is run in adaptive probe size mode the local probe size might be too small to find any more triangles. If that happens, the size is enlarged by this factor and the local search is restarted.MaxIterations
The iterative process described under Enlargement is repeated no more times than the number specified with this slider.