Module: Convert To IM6 ()
This module is used to convert an LDA file to an IM6 file.
If a converted file already exists, the following dialog will appear:
- Overwrite: converted file will be overwritten.
- Save as...: a file dialog will be launched to allow you to specify the path and the filename of the converted data.
- Cancel: conversion will be aborted.
Note that if conversion is not aborted, converted IM6 file will be automatically loaded into the Project View.
Conversion LDA to IM6 can also be achieved with the Tcl command:
convertLDAToIM6 <LDA_Object>
where LDA_Object refers to a HxVolumeDataObject into the Project View.In this case, the conversion dialog can be skipped using the following Tcl command:
LDAToIM6Converter setBehavior <0|1|2|3>
whererefers to the conversion behavior:
- 0: ask what to do (launch the dialog)
- 1: overwrite converted data file
- 2: launch a file dialog to save the converted data
- 3: cancel the conversion
Note that current conversion behavior can be interrogated with the following Tcl command:
LDAToIM6Converter getBehavior
Data [required]
The LDA data to be converted.
IM6 filename
The path to the converted IM6 filename. By default, the converted filename will be generated in the same directory as the LDA file to be converted. The default filename is the one of the LDA data, the .lda file extension replaced by an .im6 extension. You can select another output directory and change the default IM6 filename by modifying the filename directly or clicking on the Browse button which will open a file dialog.