Module: Curved Slice ()


The Curved Slice module lets you display arbitrarily curved slices through a 3D scalar field or along a curve for a 2D field. A 3D scalar field having a dimension equal to 1 along one axis is treated like a 2D field. Three mapping methods are available for mapping data values to colors or gray levels.


Data [required]
The 2D or 3D field to be visualized. Currently, regular scalar fields and RGBA color fields with uniform or stacked coordinates are supported. For 3D fields, the slice is curved through the field. For 2D fields, the whole field is extruded along the curve.

Curve [optional]
Curve defining a fence. The curve can be either a B-Spline or a Line Set. When using a Line Set, a B-Spline is automatically created and connected.

Colormap [optional]
The colormap used to map data values to colors. This port is ignored when Histogram equalized mapping is selected.



Creates a new curve object.


This port is only shown for 2D fields, and specifies the coordinate relation between the profile and the 2D field.

(x,y)->(X,Y): coords of profile correspond to (x,y) values of field.

(x,y)->(Y,X): coords of profile correspond to (y,x) values of field.

Slice direction

This radio box port specifies the slice orientation.

x, y, or z: slice is extruded along the corresponding axis.

automatic: slice direction is computed using all points of the curve. The computed slice direction is used for the entire profile.

adaptive: slice direction on each profile point is computed with the normal at the point.

Region of Interest


ROI planes restrict data extraction between two planes orthogonal to the slice direction. ROI planes can not be enabled with adaptive slice direction. Planes frames can be displayed with the "show" checkbox. Those frames can be dragged directly in the view. Immediate mode will apply changes of planes position continuously during dragging.

ROI Interval

This port shows the position of ROI planes, relative to the data bounding box and slice direction. Values are percentages between 0 and 100

Display Options


Extra viewer representing the texture.


This radio box port determines the transparency of the slice. None means that the slice is fully opaque. Binary means that black parts are fully transparent while other parts are opaque. Alpha means that opacity is taken as is. If a colormap is used for visualization, opacity values are taken from there.


This port provides four choices for specifying the texture resolution:

Mapping Type

Mapping type

This option menu controls how scalar values are mapped to screen colors. If Histogram is selected, an adaptive histogram equalization technique is applied. This method attempts to show all features of the data, even if a wide range of values is covered. If Colormap is selected, Colormap will be used to activate pseudo-coloring.

Contrast limit

This port is only visible if Histogram equalization is selected. The number determines the contrast of the resulting image. The higher the value, the higher the contrast in the resulting image. A value of zero means that contrast will not be limited at all.


This port is displayed if Colormap is selected. Choose a colormap to map data to colors.

coarse: lowest resolution. For 3D fields, 128x128. For 2D fields, size-of-field divided by 8.

medium: medium resolution. For 3D fields, 256x256. For 2D fields, size-of-field divided by 4.

fine: intermediate resolution. For 3D fields, 512x512. For 2D fields, size-of-field divided by 2.

finest: highest resolution. For 3D fields, 1024x1024. For 2D fields, size-of-field.

For 2D data fields, selecting finest resolution ensures that the texture and the field have the same resolution.


createImage <image-base-name>
This command creates a 2D image from the slice and adds it to the Project View. The image base name can be omitted.