Module: Oblique Slice ()


This module is now deprecated. The Oblique Slice module lets you display arbitrarily oriented slices through a 3D scalar field of any type, as well as through an RGBA color field or a 3D multi-channel field.

The module is derived from ArbitraryCut. See the documentation of the base class for details about how to adjust position and orientation of a slice. Like in the Ortho Slice module two different methods are supported to map scalar values to screen colors, monochrome mapping based on adaptive histogram equalization, and pseudo-coloring.


Data [required]
The 3D field to be visualized. 3D scalar fields, RGBA color fields, or 3D multi-channel fields are supported. The coordinate type of the input data doesn't matter. The data will be evaluated using the field's native interpolation method (usually trilinear interpolation).

Colormap [optional]
The colormap used to map data values to colors. This port is ignored when histogram equalized mapping is selected, or when the module is connected to an RGBA color field or to a 3D multi-channel field.


Layer Order

This port is only visible if the module is an overlay of an Ortho Views.


This port provides three buttons for resetting the slice orientation: xy perpendicular to the z-axis, xz perpendicular to the y-axis, or yz perpendicular to the x-axis.


This slider allows you to select different slices. The slices may also be picked with the mouse and dragged directly in the 3D viewer.

Mapping Type

Mapping Type

This option menu controls how scalar values are mapped to screen colors. If Histogram is selected, an adaptive histogram equalization technique is applied. This method tries to show all features of the data, even if a wide range of values is covered. If Colormap is selected, Colormap can be used to activate pseudo-coloring. The port is hidden if the the module is connected to a color field or a multi-channel field.

Contrast Limit

This port is only visible if Histogram equalization is selected. The number determines the contrast of the resulting image. The higher the value, the more contrast is contained in the resulting image.


This port is displayed if Colormap is selected. Choose a colormap to map data to colors.


This port is used to display or hide the frame, set the frame width and color.

Plane Definition

Plane Definition

Please refer to the Clipping Plane documentation.

Display Options


If the adjust view toggle is set, the camera of the selected viewer is reset each time a new slice orientation is selected.

With the rotate toggle you can switch the rotate handle for the cutting plane on and off. This option is disabled when Projection mode is activated.

If the immediate toggle is set, the slice is updated every time you drag it with the mouse in the 3D viewer. Otherwise, only the bounding box of the cutting plane is moved and the update takes place when the mouse button is released.

The fit to points toggle lets you reset the plane by clicking on at least 3 different points in the scene. After enabling this toggle, you should switch to interaction mode by pressing the ESC key inside the viewer. Then click 3 times at different points on any geometry in the scene. The plane then will be automatically adjusted to match these points. The virtual trackball - visible when rotate toggle is active - will be moved to the center of the picked points. After 3 points have been picked, this toggle is automatically unchecked, unless you pressed the shift key. Shift-clicking allows you to select more than 3 points. In this case the plane that best fits the selected points will be computed.

Checking the lighting option simulates the slice being illuminated by a headlight. Thereby, the intensity of the slice is modulated according to the direction of the slice's normal. Thus, the more obliquely the slice is viewed the darker it becomes.


Note: This port has no effect when the slice is axis aligned. This port controls the way how oblique slices are reconstructed. First, an option menu listing different sampling resolutions is provided. The four choices, coarse, medium, fine, and finest, correspond to an internal resolution of the underlying texture map of 128, 256, 512, and 1024 square pixels, respectively. The fifth choice, user-defined, allows explicit specification of the resolution.

The toggle labeled interpolate data, will only be active if the scalar field to be visualized is defined on a uniform grid. In this case, if the toggle is off, nearest neighbor interpolation is used. If it is on or if the data is not defined on a uniform grid, then the field's native interpolation method is used, e.g., trilinear interpolation on regular grids.

The toggle labeled interpolate texture controls how the slice is texture-mapped by the underlying OpenGL driver. If the toggle is off, nearest-neighbor sampling is used. Otherwise, bilinear filtering is applied.

Finally, the toggle labeled square texels controls how data values are extracted when the oblique slice is axis-aligned. If checked, the slice will display square texels. It means that an isotropic sampling is done and so, data values are displayed like squares. Otherwise, original data values are reproduced.


This port is visible when the resolution type user-defined is selected. Specify width and height of the underlying texture map.


This radio box port determines the transparency of the slice. The option is only available if the module is connected to an RGBA color field. None means that the slice is fully opaque. Binary means that only fully transparent parts are transparent while others are fully opaque when using colormap mapping. Alpha means that opacity is taken as is.


This port determines how optional Color Wash modules are mapped onto this slice.


This port is displayed if the module is attached to a 3D multi-channel object. It allows you to toggle individual channels on or off. Each channel is mapped using a linear intensity ramp. The data window for each channel can be adjusted in the multi-channel object itself.



The embossed option, enables a bump mapping visualization of the slice.


This port is displayed only when option embossed is checked. Factor controlling the bump mapping visual depth effect.


All commands described for Clipping Plane can be applied to Oblique Slice as well.

createImage <image base name>
This command creates a 2D image from the oblique slice and adds it to the Project View. The image base name can be omitted.