Module: Trajectory ()


This module can control position and orientation of an ClippingPlane sliding it along a given curve or line set. The Trajectory can be activated from a Slice, for instance. Typical usage scenarios are 1) show a slice at a fixed position while sliding, 2) use a stencil mask to visualize only a circular region around the trajectory.


Data [required]
The line set where the trajectory is part of.

Module [required]
The ClippingPlane modules whose slice position and orientation will be adjusted.



The number of the line within the line set that should be used as trajectory.


Position on the trajectory. Can be the vertex number or line-segment number depending on the toggle "Use Line Segments"


If Up front is selected, the camera of the actual viewer is adjusted to the position and tangent of the trajectory position.

If Frame is selected, the border frame of the connected ClippingPlane module is switched on, otherwise it is switched off.

If Orthographic is selected, the camera is switched into orthographic projection mode.

If Use Line Segments is not selected, the slice position is set to the vertex positions of the trajectory. The normal direction for the plane is defined by the predecessor and the successor vertex of the line. If the option is set, the plane is positioned at the center of a line segment, and the line segment is used as plane normal.