Module: Voxel Slice ()
This module can be attached to an Ortho Slice module. It allows you to visualize contiguous 3D regions of a Label Field or of some other uniform scalar field with integer values. The regions are selected by clicking onto the Ortho Slice with the middle mouse button. Starting from the selected pixel a 3D flood fill process is performed. Multiple regions can be selected by shift-clicking multiple seeds.By default, the regions to be visualized are taken from the same input object the Ortho Slice module is attached to. However, optionally an independent scalar field may be connected to the Voxel Slice module. For example, an Ortho Slice module may be used to visualize a stack of CT images, while a Voxel Slice attached to it is used to display segmented regions defined in a label image.
An optionally connected spreadsheet can be used to select a region if the spreadsheet contains a seedpoint of that region.
Press the Apply button to hide all selected 3D regions.
Slice [required]
The Ortho Slice module which provides the slice where seed points have to be selected using the middle mouse button.Data [optional]
Optional scalar field. If set contiguous regions of this field will be displayed instead of regions of the field the Ortho Slice module is attached to.Spreadsheet [optional]
Spreadsheet with a list of connected components as it is computed by ConnectedComponent or by MaterialStatistics/Regions. Such spreadsheet has to have three columns named SeedI, SeedJ, SeedK which is the seedpoint for the 3D flood fill. A component can be visualized by selecting the appropriate row in the spreadsheet. If a component is selected by clicking onto the OrthoSlice then the appropriate row is selected and highlighted in the spreadsheet again.Colormap [optional]
The colormap used to color the 3D regions.
Port to select a colormap.Max Dist
This port limits the region growing process. At most the given number of slices are considered in upward or downward direction. May be useful on slow machines in order to limit the number of triangles.Draw Style
Three different draw styles are provided, Faces and Contours, Contours Only, and Faces Only. Due to the regular structure of the voxel data only three different face orientations occur. Thus only three different colors will be used to render the voxel regions.Floodfill Type
Specifies the kind of flood fill algorithm to be applied (neighbors at faces, faces and edges, or faces, edges, and corners). If take all is selected all voxel with the same value as the seed voxel will be selected and displayed.