Module: Line Set View ()


This module visualizes data objects of type Line Set. Individual lines may be displayed in wireframe mode. Alternatively, simple shapes like triangles or squares may be extruded along the lines. In this way true three-dimensional tubes are obtained. Additional features of Line Set View are pseudo-coloring and the display of little spheres at each line vertex.

In order to colorize, scale, and twist the displayed lines, it is possible to use one of the data variables: those are all additional data values of the line set object given per vertex and the connected scalar fields. The latter will be sampled at each line vertex when it comes to displaying it.


Data [required]
The line set to be displayed.

ROI [optional]
Optional connection to an object providing a region-of-interest. Only line segments inside this region will be visualized.

Scalar Field 1 [optional]
Optional connection to a scalar field which can be used to influence coloring, scaling, twisting, etc.

Scalar Field 2 [optional][advanced]
Optional connection to a scalar field which can be used to influence coloring, scaling, twisting, etc.

Scalar Field 3 [optional][advanced]
Optional connection to a scalar field which can be used to influence coloring, scaling, twisting, etc.

Colormap [optional]
Colormap used for pseudo-coloring.

Alphamap [optional]
Alphamap used for assigning transparency values.



Color Mode

If data variables are available, this menu allows you to select one such variable which will be used to look up vertex or segment colors. If No Color has been selected, the lines or tubes will be displayed in uniform default color. This color may be changed using the command setLineColor. The following two menus will only be available if coloring has been chosen.

The second menu controls transparency mapping. Select No Alpha for opaque lines. Select Colormap to use the alpha values of the colormap. If data variables are present, the following entries refer to the alphamap.

The third menu controls how to assign color values.
If you select Per Vertex color mode, additional data values are assigned to each vertex. This will generate a smooth coloring along the line in contrast to the following two options of this menu.
If you select Per Segment Use First color mode, each line segment will be assigned the value of its first vertex, and the last vertex value will be unused.
If you select Per Segment Use Last color mode, each line segment will be assigned the value of its second vertex, and the first vertex value will be unused.


Optional colormap.


Optional alphamap.

Line Shape


Determines how the lines will be displayed. If Lines is selected, a simple wireframe model will be created. The other menu entries denote 2D objects which will be extruded along the lines in order to obtain three-dimensional tubes.

Scale Mode

If data variables are available, this menu allows you to select one such variable which will be used to scale the diameter of the three-dimensional tubes. If no additional data values are present, only Constant scaling will be available.

Scale Factor

Additional factor used to adjust the diameter of three-dimensional tubes. This factor has no effect if shape has been set to Lines.

Point Shape


By default, No Spheres is selected. Changing this selection causes a sphere to be displayed at each line vertex. Constant will display the spheres with a constant radius. Following, there will be one entry for each available data variable. Selecting such an entry causes the sphere radii to be scaled according to the selected variable.

Sphere Scale

Additional factor used to adjust the size of the spheres. This factor has no effect if No Spheres is selected.

Sphere Color

Similar to port Color Mode, but affects the sphere colors instead of the line colors.

Sphere Complexity

Controls complexity of spheres. For high quality renderings, a high complexity of spheres and circles is needed to generate correct images. This port is not available when raycasted spheres is selected in preferences.

Rotate and Twist

Rotate Mode [advanced]

Controls the way the three-dimensional tubes can be rotated around their axis. This can only be adjusted if shape has not been set to Lines.

The first menu is set to No Rotation by default. Setting it to Constant will allow all lines to be rotated with the same speed. Following, there will be one entry for each available data variable. Selecting such an entry influences the rotation as defined with the following two menus.

The second menu controls the direction and strength of the rotation. With the third menu one can define at which line point the value shall be evaluated.

Rotate Factor [advanced]

Changing the value of this slider causes the lines to rotate. Animating this slider gives best results.

Twist Mode [advanced]

Controls the way the three-dimensional tubes can be twisted around their axis. This can only be adjusted if shape has not been set to Lines.

The first menu is set to No Twist by default. Setting it to Constant will allow all parts of the line to be twisted the same amount. Following, there will be one entry for each available data variable. Selecting such an entry influences the strength of the twist.

Selecting Accumulate Twist Values in the second menu causes the selected twist variable to be accumulated along the line before usage.

Twist Factor [advanced]

Changing the value of this slider adjusts the amount of twist.


setLineColor <color>
Lets you adjust the default line color which is used if color mode is set to No Color. The color may be specified as an RGB color triple or as an X11 color name.

setSphereColor <color>
Lets you adjust the default sphere color which is used if sphere color mode is set to No Color. The color may be specified as an RGB color triple or as an X11 color name.

setLineWidth <width>
Lets you adjust the width of the lines when selected shape is Lines.

setStripeColorMapping <mode>
This has only effect if selected shape is not Lines. Three-dimensional tubes can have stripes with different coloring on them. This enhances the perception of twist and rotation. Setting this mode to 1 enables red stripes along the tubes. Setting this mode to 2 maps the color values according to the colormap onto the stripes.