Module: Ring Artifact Removal ()
Removes rings from the tomogram by comparing the means of the voxel values between the thresholds in each ring and the mean of the values between the thresholds of the whole sample. Adjustments are then made to all the voxel values of each ring.
Data [required]
The 3D field to be visualized. Currently, regular scalar fields with uniform coordinates are supported. Limitation: only 16-bit unsigned data with less than 2 billion voxels are currently supported.
Middle Point
The midpoint in the x, y, z direction of the sample - absolute coordinates (NOT relative).Lower Threshold
Anything below this value will be disregarded when calculating means but will be changed in value in the same way as the rest of its ring.Upper Threshold
Anything above this value will be disregarded when calculating means but will be changed in value in the same way as the rest of its ring.Min Radius
The lowest radius used for the mean of the whole z slice.Max Radius
The outer radius used for the mean of the whole z slice.Ignore Threshold For Rings
Enable or disable Cover Fraction parameter.Cover Fraction
If the fraction of voxels between the thresholds in any one ring is less than this fraction then all the voxels in the ring are used in the calculation.Single Ring Only
Enable or disable Single Ring Only processing.Single Ring Start Radius
The radius at which the ring starts.Single Ring End Radius
The radius at which the ring ends.Single Ring Start Z Slice
The slice where the ring first appears.Single Ring End Z Slice
The slice where the ring last appears.