Module: Simulated Mercury Injection ()


Performs the capillary drainage transform to simulate mercury injection and generates a capillary pressure curve from this simulation. For the curve, Pressure is the pressure computed with: (Young-Laplace equation).

Considering milliNewton per meter (mN.m-1), which is the Hg-air interfacial tension and the contact angle (for mercury intrusion - completely non wetting), is in Pascal (Pa).

For regular curve, plot Saturation on x axis and Pressure on y axis.

The module first calculates the Euclidean distance map of the pore-space, then it does an Maximum-Overlapping-Spheres transform of the distance map. This is proportional to . Then it looks at the largest radius that it can penetrate the sample with (lowest pressure) and maps what part of the pore-space it can penetrate from the sample outside. After that, it increases the pressure (lowers the radius) and calculates how much of the pore space it can penetrate at that pressure until the smallest radius (highest pressure) is reached.

In this way it creates a relationship of pressure-vs-saturation of the macro-porosity.


Data [required]
8-unsigned bits label data. The data must contain less than 2 billion voxels.


Phase of Interest

Sets the phase on which the euclidean distance is calculated. Example: For a 2-phase object, 0 is the low density phase, 1 the high density phase.


Select between the standard and the fast method for calculating the capillary drainage transform.

Inlet Face

Decide from which face of the data set the fluid will be injected from. Example: X LOW FACE sets the inlet face to the bottom X-plane, i.e. the flow is coming from small X-value. If ALL_FACES is selected, then the fluid will also invade from the edge of the mask region, if there is one.

Maximum Distance

Truncate any Euclidean distances that are bigger than the chosen value, in the maximum covering spheres part of the algorithm. Setting this to a smaller value may help if this filter is taking too long or using too much memory.

Threshold Reduction Factor

Factor to reduce the radius threshold at each step. The algorithm proceeds by incrementally decreasing the capillary radius of the invading non-wetting fluid. This is done by multiplying the radius threshold by a factor less than one at each time step. If the factor is close to one, there will be a great many steps; if it is far from one, there will be limited radius resolution. 0.9 seems to be a nice happy medium and should probably only be changed by an expert.