Data Type: Mol Surface ()


The data class Mol Surface represents molecular surfaces in , generated by the computational modules Generate Molecular Surfaces and Generate Molecular Interface. The class Mol Surface is derived from the class Surface and hence, everything that can be done with an object of type Surface can also be done with an object of type Mol Surface. Additional information stored in class Mol Surface includes:

The entire functionality of the editors provided for objects of type Surface is available, including simplification. However, some care needs to be taken. If you modify the number of points or triangles, the module Molecule Surface View will no longer be able to color the surface according to atom attributes. In contrast, other operations, such as edge flipping to improve the surface quality, will not affect the representation.


Master [optional]
Connection to the module that generated the molecular surface.


For a description of Tcl commands, see the documentation of the Surface data class in the User's Guide.