Module: Spreadsheet To Point Cloud ()
This module creates a new Point Cloud or/and a new BoundingBox Line Set from a SpreadSheet. It is assumed that the columns contain a data value for each point.
- Bounding Boxes: Data for bounding boxes visualization can be created if the input spreadsheet contains columns with the labels CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ, EVector1x, EVector1y, EVector1z, EVector2x, EVector2y, EVector2z, EVector3x, EVector3y, EVector3z, ExtentMin1, ExtentMin2, ExtentMin3, ExtentMax1, ExtentMax2, and ExtentMax3. The naming scheme is derived from the module Label Analysis. A Line Set object is created which contains the minimal enclosing bounding boxes.
- Point Cloud: Data for a point cloud visualization can be created if the input spreadsheet contains columns with the labels Value, CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ. The naming scheme is derived from the module Label Analysis. The point cloud data set can be visualized using Point Cloud View.
- Fill Bounding Boxes: Data for a cloud of ellipsoids visualization can be created if the input spreadsheet contains columns with the labels Value, CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ, EVector1x, EVector1y, EVector1z, EVector2x, EVector2y, EVector2z, EVector3x, EVector3y, EVector3z, ExtentMin1, ExtentMin2, ExtentMin3, ExtentMax1, ExtentMax2, and ExtentMax3. The naming scheme is derived from the module Label Analysis. The point cloud data set can be visualized using TensorDisplay. Typically, option scaling by FA should be disabled and a scale factor of 1 should be used. The displayed tensors represent the distribution concealed in the Bounding boxes.
- Distribution: Data for a cloud of ellipsoids visualization can be created if the input spreadsheet contains columns with the labels Value, CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ, EVector1x, EVector1y, EVector1z, EVector2x, EVector2y, EVector2z, EVector3x, EVector3y, EVector3z, EValue1, EValue2, and EValue3. The naming scheme is derived from the module Label Analysis. The point cloud data set can be visualized using TensorDisplay. Typically, option scaling by FA should be disabled and a scale factor of 1 should be used. The displayed tensors represent the Gaussian distribution oriented in the Eigenvectors directions.
Data [required]
The input is a Spreadsheet module.
This port can be used to enable the generation of Bounding boxes and/or Point Cloud.Tensor
Defines the tensor information included in the generated Point Cloud data set.Table
If a SpreadSheet object with multiple tables is attached, this port will allow the user to select one of the tables.Value
Specifies the first eigenvalue of the covariance matrix (EigenVal1).Coordinates
Specifies the three columns that indentify the x, y, and z coordinates in the SpreadSheet. If the spreadsheet contains columns labeled CenterX, CenterY, or CenterZ these will be taken as presetsFirst direction
Specifies the three columns that indentify the x, y, and z Eigenvector 1 in the SpreadSheet. If the spreadsheet contains columns labeled EVector1x, EVector1y, or EVector1z these will be taken as presets.Second direction
Specifies the three columns that indentify the x, y, and z Eigenvector 2 in the SpreadSheet. If the spreadsheet contains columns labeled EVector2x, EVector2y, or EVector2z these will be taken as presets.Third direction
Specifies the three columns that indentify the x, y, and z Eigenvector 3 in the SpreadSheet. If the spreadsheet contains columns labeled EVector3x, EVector3y, or EVector3z these will be taken as presets.Extent min
Specifies the three columns that indentify the x, y, and z Extent Min in the SpreadSheet. If the spreadsheet contains columns labeled ExtentMin1, ExtentMin2, or ExtentMin3 these will be taken as presets.Extent max
Specifies the three columns that indentify the x, y, and z Extent Max in the SpreadSheet. If the spreadsheet contains columns labeled ExtentMax1, ExtentMax2, or ExtentMax3 these will be taken as presets.Eigenvalues
Specifies the three columns that indentify the 1, 2, and 3 Eigenvalues in the SpreadSheet. If the spreadsheet contains columns labeled EValue1, EValue2, or EValue3 these will be taken as presets.