Module: OrthoViews Controller ()
This module is based on OrthoViews. It is used in Porosities Analysis Wizard
to control the OrthoViews.
5 checkables options are available:
- Synchronize Viewers, In zoom mode, which is the default mode in 2D viewers, the zoom factor is controlled thanks to the left mouse click or, the mouse wheel. In zoom mode, it is also possible to pan the camera by holding down the middle mouse button. When the synchronize viewers checkbox is checked, pan and zoom are synchronized in 2D viewers.
If it is unchecked, then it is possible to control the camera location and zoom factor independently in each viewer. Focus will be on the view which did not change during the resynchronization process.- Show background in 3D view.
- Bilinear view.
- 3D crosshair visibility.
- 2D crosshair visibility.
Slice Number X
The slider controls the location of the support plane along the X axis.
The range depends on the input data type. If the input is a stack of images, the range will be 0 to the stack of image dimension in the X direction. If the input is a surface, the range is 0 to 100, the slider value being a percentage of the bounding box size in the X direction.
The clip icon lets you clip the 3D view by the YZ support plane (the one along the X axis). The clipping direction will be either the direction of the normal to the plane or its inverse, depending on which one forms the largest angle with the camera direction.Slice Number Y
The slider controls the location of the support plane along the Y axis. See description of port Translate X for more information.Slice Number Z
The slider controls the location of the support plane along the Z axis. See description of port Translate X for more information.