Module: Interactive Top-Hat ()


The Top-Hat segmentation extracts small elements and details from given images. It detects the dark or the white area, corresponding to the valleys or the narrow peaks.

There exist two types of Top-Hat transform:

Figure 1: Black Top-Hat computation

The Top-Hat module is divided into two phases:


Data [required]
The input data to be segmented.


Top Hat Type [available on phase 1 / Top-hat computation]

This port allows selecting the type of Top-Hat to compute.

Neighborhood [available on phase 1 / Top-hat computation]

Neighborhood is the neighborhood used for the morphological operation (closing for black Top-Hat, opening for white Top-Hat). It defines also the connectivity used for this operation.

Kernel Size [available on phase 1 / Top-hat computation]

This port defines the kernel size for the closing/opening operation. The smaller is the kernel, the smaller are the elements detected.


The colormap used to display the input data.

Slice Number

The number of the slice to display.


The orientation of the slice to display.

Intensity Range [available on phase 2 / Thresholding]

This port allows selecting the elements to keep. See the module description for more information.

Preview [available on phase 2 / Thresholding]

Options for the threshold preview. The color of the preview can be chosen in this port. Select 2D to display the threshold on the current displayed slice (default value). Select on 3D to get a 3D preview of the segmentation (slower display).

Input [available on phase 2 / Thresholding]

This port allows displaying the threshold preview: