Module: Sieve Analysis ()


The Sieve analysis module generates a new label image by binning components of the input label image. The bins are defined by an arbitrary number of custom ranges of a physical measure, e.g., volume. The module requires a label image as the data input and an analysis spreadsheet generated by Label Analysis containing the physical measurements.

Figure 1: Label Grouping Based on a Sieve.

The physical measure used to bin the components is selected in the Measure port. The number of range-thresholds and their values are entered in the Sieve port. The values can be changed in the list or by dragging the red lines in the histogram. When the Apply button is pressed, the module creates a new, binned label image. Figure 1 illustrates the setting of bin ranges on the histogram of existing measurements. Prior to binning, the following points should be considered:


Data [required]
The label image to be binned. The input image must be of type HxUniformLabelField3.

Label Analysis [required]
The analysis spreadsheet associated with the input label image. This data is of type HxLabelAnalysis.



The physical measure of the input analysis spreadsheet that will be used for the binning.

Note: The measures are computed in the working unit.


Creates a sorted list of values that specify the range for each bin.

The histogram shows the distribution of the measurements selected by the Measure port. Bin ranges are represented by vertical red lines in the histogram. The user can drag these lines and add new lines by clicking with the middle mouse button on the desired position.

The user can also edit or remove range values in the list.

The text field Number of values can be used to adjust the number of desired bin ranges.

Pressing the button Detect automatically adjusts the range values. The first and last range values are adjusted to the range of all measurements in the histogram; the others are evenly distributed between the minimum and maximum range