Module: Image Registration Wizard ()


This module computes and applies a transformation to align two images:


Data [required]
Image data to be transformed.

Reference [required]
Reference image.



This port displays information about the current action.


This port displays instruction about the current action.


This port contains the 3 buttons "Back", "Skip" and "Apply" triggering the actions to perform.

Hide module

[Step 1] If this option is enabled, all new modules will be hiden during the computation.

Box min

[Step 2 and 3] The lattice index of the lower corner of the subblock. The subblock corresponds to the volume's region to consider for registration.

Box size

[Step 2 and 3] The size of the subblock to be loaded. The size is in lattice indices in the base resolution. The subblock corresponds to the volume's region to consider for registration.

Box max

[Step 2 and 3] Convenience buttons to use the maximum box size for the width, height and depth, respectively. If Max width, Max height and Max depth buttons are hit, the whole volume is selected as region of interest for alignment.


[Step 2 and 3] This port enables subsampling.

Subsample rate

[Step 2 and 3] If subsample is enabled, this port defines the number of voxels to be averaged in each dimension.


[Step 4] This port selects the similarity measure to be applied for registration. See Register Images documentation.

Histogram range reference

[Step 4] This port defines Mutual Information metrics parameters. The range of gray values for the histogram of the reference data set is defined at this port. See Register Images documentation.

Histogram range model

[Step 4] This port defines Mutual Information metrics parameters. The range of gray values for the histogram of the model data set is defined at this port. See Register Images documentation.


[Step 4] This port defines the number of transformation parameters to be optimized during the alignment process. Six parameters are optimized for Rigid (3 translations and 3 rotations), 7 for Iso-scale (add 1 parameter of scaling), 9 for Aniso-scale (3 translations, rotations and scalings) and 12 for Shear. See Register Images documentation.


[Step 4] This port defines the pre-alignment method. If Align center is selected, the centers of gravity of both data sets will be aligned before registration. If Align principal axes is selected, the centers of gravity and the moments of inertia of both data sets are computed and aligned, by testing all 24 possible alignments : the best alignment is selected using the similarity measure defined by Metric. If None is selected, no pre-alignment will be done. See Register Images.