Module: Watershed Segmentation ()


This module performs an accurate segmentation of different phases by applying a watershed on the high gradient magnitude.

After having specified the number of phases to segment, click on the Skip button and follow the instructions.

Actions to perform are:


Data [required]
Image data to be processed.

Gradient [optional]
[Step 2] Connect your own gradient magnitude scalar field to this port to skip gradient magnitude computation.

Phase 0 [optional]
[Step 4 and next] Connect your own phases markers to these ports to skip phase marker thresholdings.


Slice Number

This port controls the slice number of the Ortho Slice connected to the input data.

Slice Orientation

This port controls the orientation of the Ortho Slice connected to the input data.


This port displays information about the current action.


This port contains the 3 buttons "Back", "Skip" and "Apply" triggering the actions to perform.

Number of Phases

[Step 1] This port indicates the number of phases to segment.


[Step 3] If the auto checkbox is toggled when applying the gradient thresholding, the user does not define the gradient mask manually (The Gradient Threshold port is hidden). It is automatically detected by an automatic thresholding of the high values.

Gradient Threshold

[Step 3] If the auto checkbox is not toggled, this port controls the high gradient magnitude threshold used as a mask during markers selection.

Max Phase 0

[Step 4 and next] This port controls the minimim and maximum threshold values during markers thresholding.