Module: Crossline ()
The Crossline module allows for the visualization of crossline slices in a seismic volume. This is a specialized Ortho Slice module provided for convenience in seismic visualizations (see also Inline and TimeSlice). The mapping type is set by default to Colormap (an external seismic colormap is used) and the orientation is fixed. The Slice number port allows you to select a slice of interest and to animate slices.
Data [required]
The seismic volume to be visualized. See Seismic Volume Data Object.Colormap [optional]
The colormap used for mapping ( by default). See also Colormap.Attributes [optional]
The attribute used for computation. See HxSeismicAttributesModule.
If the adjust view toggle is set (unset by default), the camera of the selected viewer is reset each time a new slice orientation is selected. Equal resolution is false by default. When it is set, all slices are drawn using the same resolution. When lighting is set (set by default), the display appears lit. When color table is set (set by default), when editing the colormap, the rendering speed is faster and the color interpolation is better. This option uses shaders so it may be very slow on old graphic boards.Interpolation
Controls whether interpolation is nearest or bilinear.Mapping Type
The mapping type is set by default to Colormap.Colormap
Choose colormap if mapping type is set to Colormap (connected to by default).Slice number
This slider allows you to select and animate different slices. The slices may also be picked with the mouse and dragged directly in the 3D viewer. The two outer buttons allow you to automatically animate the slice number forwards or backwards. The port provides a popup menu (right mouse button click) that can be used to configure settings like animation mode or sub-range interval. Animation speed can be controlled via the increment value in the configure dialog.Transparency
This radio box port determines the transparency of the slice. None means that the slices are fully opaque. Binary means that black parts are fully transparent while other parts are opaque. Alpha means that opacity is proportional to luminance. If a colormap is used for visualization, opacity values are taken from there.Embossing
Enables/disables embossing. This rendering technique (also known as "bump mapping") emphasizes gradient changes in the data on the slice. Note that this feature requires programmable shader support in the graphics hardware.Embossing Factor
This port is displayed if embossing is enabled and specifies the intensity of the embossing effect. Default value is 0 (no embossing). Values can be positive or negative. Note that this feature requires programmable shader support in the graphics hardware.