Module: Scan Spatial Graph to Surface ()


The module creates a closed surface representation from Spatial Graph data. It does so by modeling each segment of the Spatial Graph object as the centerline of a tube with particular radius given as thickness attribute in the Spatial Graph object. Optionally, an object holding the coordinates of so-called "blebs" maybe attached to the module. The term "Blebs" is used in the Neurosciences and depicts swellings in the fiber of a neuron. Blebs are assumed to be locations with increased synapse density. If such an object is connected, small spheres are inserted intersection-free into the surface.


Data [required]
An object of type Spatial Graph containing the skeleton of the image data.

Blebs [optional]
The data set containing the coordinates of 'blebs'. Can be of type Point Cloud.


Sampling Options

Bleb and Surface