Module: Smooth Line Set ()
Used to perform a smoothing of the traced Spatial Graph or Line Set object. Uses a point averaging algorithm. The average is based on the positions of existing coordinate pairs and their neighbors. Only the endpoint locations remain the same. The algorithm maintains the same number of points as the original line.
Line Set [required]
Where data can be a Spatial Graph or a Line Set which is used as input for the smoothing.
The value is a coefficient that controls the influence of neighboring points on the position of a point. The parameter can have values between 0 and 1. The greater the value the smoother the result. The and smaller than 1. The greater the value is, the smoother the result is. The value of attach to the data controls the influence of the initial coordinate on the new position. The higher the value the more the initial position will be retained. The values should not be greater than or equal 1. The default is 0.25.Number of iterations
Specifies the number of smoothing iterations that should be performed. The default is 10. Higher values will produce smoother curves.