Module: Plot Spreadsheet ()


This module uses a connected Spreadsheet or Line Set and displays its numeric columns in a separate plot window. For line sets, the point coordinates x,y,z and per vertex data values are each regarded as columns. Each line of a line set leads to a separate graph in the plot.

This module can also be used to display time-history data stored in a SpreadSheet data object, in replacement of deprecated module TimeHistoryPlot.


Data [required]
The Spreadsheet or Line Set object which contains the information to be plotted.



The column in the connected spreadsheet that is used for the X axis. Only columns that contain numeric values can be selected. The first item Index is the line index in the spreadsheet or the index of a point in a line set. When another column is selected, the plot will automatically switch to the newly selected data.


The columns in the connected spreadsheet that are used for the Y axis. Only columns that contain numeric values can be selected. When another column is selected, the plot will automatically switch to the newly selected data.


Pressing this button will show the plot window.

Marker line

The Marker line port is used to show/hide marker line of the selected curve in its select box. Only curves dislayed on the plot are contained in the select box. Marker line displays value of the curve in the point defined by the position of the marker line.

Marker line pos.

The Marker line pos. port define position of the marker line on the X axes.


Returns the currently used X label.

Returns the currently used Y label.

setXLabel [name]
Sets the string used for the X label.

setYLabel [name]
Sets the string used for the Y label.

createSnapShot [file]
Creates a snapshot of the plot window and saves it in the file with the name 'file'. The type of image created is determined by the extension of 'file'.