Module: Spreadsheet In Viewer ()


This module uses a connected Spreadsheet and displays the content of a selected row in the 3D viewer. Position and color of the text can be specified by the user.


Data [required]
The Spreadsheet object which contains the information to be displayed.


Row number

Enables specifying the row number of the spreadsheet to display.


Position type

Radio box defining whether the text position should be specified in absolute coordinates (screen pixels) or in relative coordinates ranging from (0,0) in the lower left corner to (1,1) in the upper right corner.

In both cases when the x coordinate is negative the right side of the text is placed relative to the right side of the viewer. Likewise, if the y coordinate is negative the top side of the text is placed relative to the top side of the viewer.


Defines the alignment of the text (left, center, right).

Text Options


This port enables selecting and tune the font used by the displayed text.


Text's background color. If the transparent toggle is off, the annotation text will be drawn inside a filled rectangle. The background color of this rectangle can be set via the color button of this port.