This section describes interactive tools for selecting triangles and for
performing simple edit operations. Only one such tool can be active at a
time. The active tool determines what effect left mouse button clicks
have. For each tool there is a separate button contained in the editor's
toolbar. Independent from the active mouse tool, edges and triangles can
be picked using the middle mouse button. This causes the ids of the
picked triangles, edges, and points to be printed on the screen.
- Add tool [A]:
Adds highlighted faces to the buffer.
- Remove tool [R]:
Removes highlighted faces from the buffer.
- Clear tool [C]:
Clears highlighted faces or the buffer.
- Bisect tool [S]:
Subdivides an edge of the surface. A new
vertex is inserted at the edge midpoint. Each triangle adjacent to the
edge is bisected into two triangles.
- Selection tools:
The following selection tools are available from a pulldown menu
in the surface editor toolbar.
Press and hold the button down for at least 1 second to
display the menu. The most recently selected tool button
will be displayed in the surface editor toolbar.
- Pick tool [I]:
A single triangle can be highlighted using a simple
mouse click and unhighlighted using a Control-click. If the
Shift key is held down, a group of neighboring triangles will be
highlighted. If the Shift and Control keys are held down, a group of
neighboring triangles will be unhighlighted.
- Magic wand [M]:
Allows you to to select a
connected group of triangles. Unless the Shift key is held down, the
highlight buffer will be cleared before new triangles are highlighted.
Control-click causes all selected triangles to be unhighlighted.
The behavior of the magic wand tool can be modified using the dialog
Magic wand settings... which can be activated from the Surface/Edit
menu. This dialog lets you define what triangles are considered to be
a connected group. In particular, a crease angle smaller than 180
degrees can be chosen. In this case, only triangles with roughly the
same direction as the clicked triangle, will be highlighted. Regardless
of these settings, a connected group of highlighted triangles will
always be unhighlighted if a highlighted triangle is Control-clicked.
- Draw tool [D]:
This tool allows you to highlight triangles by
drawing a contour in the viewer window. Usually the left mouse button
must be held down while the contour is drawn. However, you may hold
down the Alt key and release the left mouse button. In this case
straight line segments can be defined. Currently the tool selects all
triangles inside the contour, i.e., hidden triangles are highlighted
too. However, with the magic wand tool backward facing parts of the
surface can be easily deselected again using a Control-click.
- Brush tool [B]:
This tool allows you to highlight triangles using your mouse
like a paintbrush. Press the left mouse button and select the
desired triangles. Hold down the Control key to deselect triangles.
Right-click to bring up a brush configuration
dialog which will allow you to specify the brush size and whether
you want to select visible triangles only.
- Pick patches or triangle groups tool:
This tool allows you to select patches or triangle groups. Clicking
on a triangle, will select all triangles in the same patch. Control-click
to deselect the triangles.
- Flip tool [F]:
Flips an edge of the surface. Only edges
with two adjacent triangles can be flipped, but no boundary edges.
Flipping the edge once again restores the original state.
- Collapse tool [O]:
Contracts an edge, i.e., moves one vertex
of an edge onto the other. For non-boundary edges the operation will
reduce the number of triangles by two. The vertex of the edge located
more closely to the mouse position will be retained.
- Translate tool [T]:
Allows you to pick a vertex of the surface and
to translate it. At the picked vertex a point dragger will be
shown. The dragger can then be picked and translated. Alternatively
another point on the surface can be shift-clicked while the point
dragger is shown. This moves the dragger to the new position.