Module: Stream Ribbons ()
This module displays streamlines or stream ribbons in a flow field. Stream ribbons are computed by tracing two individual streamlines and connecting them by triangles. The initial orientation of a stream ribbon is orthogonal to the normal direction of the flow field at the seed point. The seed points themselves are defined interactively by moving a seed shape in space (a line, a circle, or a filled square). The seed shape can be transformed using an Open Inventor transformer dragger.
Data [required]
The vector field to be visualized.Colormap [optional]
Colormap used to depict vector magnitude. This port is hidden if the Data port is connected to an Unstructured Model Field. In that case, the colormap of the data set is used for the display.
Colormap used to depict vector magnitude. See Connections section.Resolution
Logarithmic slider allowing to adjust the resolution of the streamline tracing algorithm. A value of 1 means a 10 times higher resolution compared to the default, while a value of -1 means a 10 times smaller resolution. The higher the resolution the more line segments and triangles are generated.Density
Logarithmic slider allowing to adjust the density of streamlines or stream ribbons. The higher the value the more lines or ribbons are traced.Width
This slider can be used to adjust the width or thickness of the stream ribbons. The default thickness is set proportional to the length of the diagonal of the bounding box of the input data set.Length
Adjusts the length of the streamlines or stream ribbons.Seed type
Defines the seed type: along a straight line segment, along a circular line, or inside a square regions.Mode
Defines if simple streamlines or stream ribbons should be traced.Dragger
Allows you to show or hide the Open Inventor dragger for manipulating the seed shape position.
Inherits all ports of Object.
setBox -b xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax
Sets the position of the Open Inventor dragger so that it matches the specified box. The display is updated automatically.setBox [-t x y z] [-r x y z phi] [-s x y z]
Alternate way of setting the Open Inventor dragger. The three optional arguments indicate the translational, rotational, and scaling part of the dragger's transformation matrix. With this command it is possible to set the dragger in an arbitrary way (it must not be axis-aligned). If all three parts are specified the option strings -t, -r, and -s can be omitted.getBox
Returns the current transformation of the dragger in terms of translation (first three numbers), rotations (next four numbers), and scaling (last three numbers). The result can be used as the arguments of the setBox command.