Module: Wind Barbs Slice ()
This module is a display module that can be attached to a scalar vector field. It visualizes scalar vector fields representing wind speeds and directions using wind barbs symbols.
Data [required]
The 3D vector field to be visualized.Module [optional]
The module which defines the cutting plane where the wind barbs are placed.Colormap [optional]
Port to connect a colormap object. The color is constant by default and can be computed from the wind speeds.Projection [optional]
Port to change current wind barbs visualization projection.
Port to connect a colormap object. The color is constant by default and can be computed from the wind speeds.Wind Speed Units
Allow you to choose the units of the input wind speeds data. The wind barbs symbols represent wind speeds in knot units. The possible values for wind speed units are:kt: knot. This is the default option. The data representing wind speeds won't be converted before displaying the wind barbs.
km/h -> kt: kilometers/hour to knots. The data representing wind speeds will be converted to knots before displaying the wind barbs.
m/s -> kt: meters/second to knots. The data representing wind speeds will be converted to knots before displaying the wind barbs.
Provides two text inputs defining the resolution of the regular array of vector arrows in the plane's local x- and y-direction. The larger these values are the more wind barb symbols are displayed.SymbolsSize
Scaling factor used to control the length of the wind barbs symbols. A value of 1.0 matches a wind barb symbol size of 2/3 times the mean spacing between two wind barbs symbols in the whole visualization.