Module: Split Volume Threshold ()


This module permits splitting a 3D image volume into subvolumes. This is particularly useful for removing undesired parts in a 3D image before applying other computation or simply to visualize it.

The module takes a scalar field as input and produces new volumes depending on a direction and other parameters depending on the mode choosen.In the automatic mode, this parameter is a threshold value. The input image is read per slice in the given direction, and a new volume is created if the average value computed is greater than the threshold value given.

In the manual mode, the user can choose a number of output volumes. For each volume, the beginning and end can be specified with updating manually the ortho slices connected, or directly using the ports created dynamically. A new volume is created using the slice numbers representing the beginning and end.


Data [required]
The input data set to be edited (uniform scalar field).



This port specifies in which orientation the slices will be read : xy, xz or yz. By default, the orientation is set to xy.


This port lets you choose the mode : automatic or manual. By default, the mode is set to manual.

Split Threshold

This port specifies the threshold value used for creating new subvolumes. By default, its value is set to 0.

Number of Volumes

This port specifies the number of volumes that will be created. By default, its value is set to 0.

Volumes slices

There is a port like this for each volume specified with the number of volumes. The ortho slices visible are connected to this port, as it is used for specifying the beginning and end of each volume.