import QtQuick 1.0 // // This file describes the graphics objects displayed within a TimelineTrack. // It contains: // - a dragger displayed as a "rail" and used to set the start time of the animation associated with the timeline track (animation or animation group) // This dragger consists in 2 rectangle with one can be dragged along the x axis. // - an indicator used to highlight the area corresponding to the time range of the associated animation group. // For a timeline track on an animation group instance, the matching animation group is the associated one. // For a timeline track on an animation instance, the matching animation group is the parent of the associated animation. // This indicator will be displayed only when dragging the associated animation group. // Rectangle { id: timelineTrackGraphicsObject objectName: "timelineTrackGraphicsObject" height: 7 Rectangle { id: animationGroupDraggerIndicator objectName: "animationGroupDraggerIndicator" // // This rectangle corresponds to the indicator used to highlight the area corresponding to the time range of the associated animation group. // property real xMin: 0 property real xMax: 200 x: xMin y: 0 width: xMax-xMin height: 11 color: "#00AEFF" opacity: 0.25 state: "hidden" // // States of the animation group indicator: // - "shown": when the indicator is displayed. Set when dragging the associated animation group. // - "hidden": when the indicator is not displayed. Set when the associated animation group is not being dragged. // states: [ State { name: "shown" PropertyChanges { target: animationGroupDraggerIndicator opacity: 0.25 } }, State { name: "hidden" PropertyChanges { target: animationGroupDraggerIndicator opacity: 0 } } ] } Rectangle { id: animationRailDraggerBkg objectName: "animationRailDraggerBkg" // // This rectangle corresponds to the background part of the "rail" dragger. // signal entered signal exited gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#B8BABC" } GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#D1D3D6" } } width: 100 height: timelineTrackGraphicsObject.height radius: 3 smooth: true state: "disabled" // In "disabled" state by default. MouseArea { id: animationRailDraggerBkgMouseArea hoverEnabled: true anchors.fill: animationRailDraggerBkg onEntered: { animationRailDraggerBkg.state = "enabled"; animationRailDraggerBkg.entered(); } onExited: { if ( ! ) { animationRailDraggerBkg.state = "disabled"; animationRailDraggerBkg.exited(); } } } Rectangle { id: animationRailDragger objectName: "animationRailDragger" // // This rectangle corresponds to the draggable part of the "rail" dragger. // property real xMin: 0 property real xMax: 200 property bool canBeSnapped: false signal pressed signal released signal positionChanged gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { id: animationRailDraggerGradientStop1; position: 0.0; color: "#6A6A6A" } GradientStop { id: animationRailDraggerGradientStop2; position: 1.0; color: "#505050" } } x: xMin y: 0 width: xMax-xMin height: animationRailDraggerBkg.height radius: animationRailDraggerBkg.radius smooth: animationRailDraggerBkg.smooth state: "unlocked" MouseArea { id: animationRailDraggerMouseArea hoverEnabled: true anchors.fill: animationRailDragger onPressed: { animationRailDragger.pressed(); animationRailDragger.canBeSnapped = true } onReleased: { animationRailDragger.released(); animationRailDragger.canBeSnapped = false; if ( !animationRailDraggerBkg.containsMouse) { animationRailDraggerBkg.state = "disabled"; animationRailDraggerBkg.exited(); } } onPositionChanged: animationRailDragger.positionChanged() onEntered: { animationRailDraggerBkgMouseArea.entered() } onExited: { animationRailDraggerBkgMouseArea.exited() } } states: [ State { name: "locked" PropertyChanges { target: animationRailDraggerMouseArea } }, State { name: "unlocked" PropertyChanges { target: animationRailDraggerMouseArea animationRailDragger drag.axis: Drag.XAxis drag.minimumX: 0 } } ] } // // States of the "rail" dragger: // - "disabled": when the mouse cursor is not over the "rail" dragger area. // - "enabled": when the mouse cursor is over the "rail" dragger area. // states: [ State { name: "disabled" PropertyChanges { target: animationRailDraggerBkg opacity: 0.01 } }, State { name: "enabled" PropertyChanges { target: animationRailDraggerBkg opacity: 1 } } ] } }