# Command groups can only be defined after the commands are declared # Since some commands are declared in the generated resource file hxquant2-auto.rc, # defining the groups in an .rc2 resource file is the easiest way to ensure that commands are declared. moduleExtender -name 2d3dbuildline -extends "buildline" -proc { $this wrap2 buildline buildline3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dbuildcirc -extends "buildcirc" -proc { $this wrap2 buildcirc buildcirc3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3drandomgauss -extends "randomgauss" -proc { $this wrap2 randomgauss randomgauss3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3drandom -extends "random" -proc { $this wrap2 random random3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3deuler -extends "euler" -proc { $this wrap2 euler euler3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3darea -extends "area" -proc { $this wrap2 area area3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dinertia -extends "inertia" -proc { $this wrap2 inertia inertia3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dvolume -extends "volume" -proc { $this wrap2 volume volume3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dvolumedensity2d -extends "volumedensity2d" -proc { $this wrap2 volumedensity2d volumedensity3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dcurvature2d -extends "curvature2d" -proc { $this wrap2 curvature2d curvature3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3ddob_filter -extends "dob_filter" -proc { $this wrap2 dob_filter dob_filter3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dgradient -extends "gradient" -proc { $this wrap2 gradient gradient3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dlmaxima -extends "lmaxima" -proc { $this wrap2 lmaxima lmaxima3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dpgradient_centered2d -extends "pgradient_centered2d" -proc { $this wrap2 pgradient_centered2d pgradient_centered3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dpgradient_contour2d -extends "pgradient_contour2d" -proc { $this wrap2 pgradient_contour2d pgradient_contour3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dpgradient_label2d -extends "pgradient_label2d" -proc { $this wrap2 pgradient_label2d pgradient_label3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3drlaplacian -extends "rlaplacian" -proc { $this wrap2 rlaplacian rlaplacian3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3ddiskclosing -extends "diskclosing" -proc { $this wrap2 diskclosing diskclosing3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dlclosing -extends "lclosing" -proc { $this wrap2 lclosing lclosing3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3ddiskdilate -extends "diskdilate" -proc { $this wrap2 diskdilate diskdilate3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dldilate -extends "ldilate" -proc { $this wrap2 ldilate ldilate3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3ddistcont -extends "distcont" -proc { $this wrap2 distcont distcont3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3ddiskerode -extends "diskerode" -proc { $this wrap2 diskerode diskerode3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dlerode -extends "lerode" -proc { $this wrap2 lerode lerode3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3ddiskopening -extends "diskopening" -proc { $this wrap2 diskopening diskopening3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dlopening -extends "lopening" -proc { $this wrap2 lopening lopening3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dunsharpmaskfilter -extends "unsharpmaskfilter" -proc { $this wrap2 unsharpmaskfilter unsharpmaskfilter3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3ddelineate -extends "delineate" -proc { $this wrap2 delineate delineate3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3ddespecklefilter -extends "despecklefilter" -proc { $this wrap2 despecklefilter despecklefilter3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dbilateralfilter -extends "bilateralfilter" -proc { $this wrap2 bilateralfilter bilateralfilter3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dboxfilter -extends "boxfilter" -proc { $this wrap2 boxfilter boxfilter3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dmajorityfilter -extends "majorityfilter" -proc { $this wrap2 majorityfilter majorityfilter3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dnagaofilter -extends "nagaofilter" -proc { $this wrap2 nagaofilter nagmodfilter3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3drecursive -extends "recursive" -proc { $this wrap2 recursive recursive3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dseparablemedian -extends "separablemedian" -proc { $this wrap2 separablemedian separablemedian3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dsigmafilter -extends "sigmafilter" -proc { $this wrap2 sigmafilter sigmafilter3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dsnnfilter -extends "snnfilter" -proc { $this wrap2 snnfilter snnfilter3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dhole_fill -extends "hole_fill2d" -proc { $this wrap2 hole_fill2d hole_fill3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3ddist557 -extends "dist557" -proc { $this wrap2 dist557 distxxx } moduleExtender -name 2d3dgaussianfilter -extends "gaussianfilter" -proc { $this wrap2 gaussianfilter gaussianfilter3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3drecursivegaussianfilter -extends "rgaussianfilter" -proc { $this wrap2 rgaussianfilter rgaussianfilter3d } moduleExtender -name 2d3dmedianfilter -extends "medianfilter" -proc { $this wrap2 medianfilter medianfilter3d } # Random Image command group moduleGroup -name "Random Image" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Images And Fields}" -extends "random randomgauss" -port Type # Image Statistics command group moduleGroup -name "Image Statistics" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Measure And Analyze>Global Measures}" -extends "statistics statmask" -port Type # Local Orientation command group moduleGroup -name "Local Orientation" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Measure And Analyze}" -extends "localorient localfixedorient" -port Type # Radial Gradient command group moduleGroup -name "Radial Gradient" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Image Processing>Edge Detection>Gradient}" -extends "pgradient_centered2d pgradient_contour2d pgradient_label2d" -port Type # Closing command group moduleGroup -name "Closing" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Image Processing>Morphological Operations} {Image Processing>Separating And Filling}" -extends "closing diskclosing lclosing sphereclosing3d unionlclosing colorclose" -port Type # Dilation command group moduleGroup -name "Dilation" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Image Processing>Morphological Operations}" -extends "dilate diskdilate ldilate spheredilate3d colordilate" -port Type # Erosion command group moduleGroup -name "Erosion" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Image Processing>Morphological Operations}" -extends "erode diskerode lerode sphereerode3d colorerode" -port Type # Expand Labels command group moduleGroup -name "Expand Labels" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Image Processing>Separating And Filling}" -extends "dilateextrlab dilatebasin" -port Type # Grayscale Reconstruction command group moduleGroup -name "Grayscale Reconstruction" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Image Processing>Morphological Operations}" -extends "dualreconstruct numreconstruct" -port Type # Opening command group moduleGroup -name "Opening" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Image Processing>Morphological Operations} {Image Processing>Separating And Filling}" -extends "opening diskopening lopening sphereopening3d unionlopening coloropen" -port Type # Propagation Image command group moduleGroup -name "Axis Propagation" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Image Processing>Propagation}" -extends "getfastporobin getporobin getfastporolab getporolab" -port Type # Auto Thresholding command group moduleGroup -name "Auto Thresholding" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Image Segmentation>Binarization}" -extends "auto_threshold auto_threshold_inv auto_segment" -port Type # Watershed Transform command group moduleGroup -name "Marker-Based Watershed" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Image Segmentation}" -extends "catchbasin fastwatershed" -port Type # Separate Objects command group moduleGroup -name "Separate Objects" -icon "TVDefCompute" -color "#F97C7A" -category "{Image Processing>Separating And Filling}" -extends "binseparate HxSeparateObjects" -port Method