** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
#include <QtCore/qplugin.h>
#include <QtMultimedia/qmultimedia.h>
#include <QtMultimedia/qtmultimediadefs.h>
#include <QtMultimedia/qcamera.h>

#ifdef Q_MOC_RUN


// Required for QDoc workaround
class QString;

class QMediaService;

class QMediaServiceProviderHintPrivate;
class Q_MULTIMEDIA_EXPORT QMediaServiceProviderHint
    enum Type { Null, ContentType, Device, SupportedFeatures, CameraPosition };

    enum Feature {
        LowLatencyPlayback = 0x01,
        RecordingSupport = 0x02,
        StreamPlayback = 0x04,
        VideoSurface = 0x08
    Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Features, Feature)

    QMediaServiceProviderHint(const QString &mimeType, const QStringList& codecs);
    QMediaServiceProviderHint(const QByteArray &device);
    QMediaServiceProviderHint(QCamera::Position position);
    QMediaServiceProviderHint(Features features);
    QMediaServiceProviderHint(const QMediaServiceProviderHint &other);

    QMediaServiceProviderHint& operator=(const QMediaServiceProviderHint &other);

    bool operator == (const QMediaServiceProviderHint &other) const;
    bool operator != (const QMediaServiceProviderHint &other) const;

    bool isNull() const;

    Type type() const;

    QString mimeType() const;
    QStringList codecs() const;

    QByteArray device() const;
    QCamera::Position cameraPosition() const;

    Features features() const;

    //to be extended, if necessary

    QSharedDataPointer<QMediaServiceProviderHintPrivate> d;


// Required for QDoc workaround
class QString;

struct Q_MULTIMEDIA_EXPORT QMediaServiceProviderFactoryInterface
    virtual QMediaService* create(QString const& key) = 0;
    virtual void release(QMediaService *service) = 0;
    virtual ~QMediaServiceProviderFactoryInterface();

#define QMediaServiceProviderFactoryInterface_iid \
Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(QMediaServiceProviderFactoryInterface, QMediaServiceProviderFactoryInterface_iid)

// Required for QDoc workaround
class QString;

struct Q_MULTIMEDIA_EXPORT QMediaServiceSupportedFormatsInterface
    virtual ~QMediaServiceSupportedFormatsInterface() {}
    virtual QMultimedia::SupportEstimate hasSupport(const QString &mimeType, const QStringList& codecs) const = 0;
    virtual QStringList supportedMimeTypes() const = 0;

#define QMediaServiceSupportedFormatsInterface_iid \
Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(QMediaServiceSupportedFormatsInterface, QMediaServiceSupportedFormatsInterface_iid)

// Required for QDoc workaround
class QString;

struct Q_MULTIMEDIA_EXPORT QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface
    virtual ~QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface() {}
    virtual QList<QByteArray> devices(const QByteArray &service) const = 0;
    virtual QString deviceDescription(const QByteArray &service, const QByteArray &device) = 0;

#define QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface_iid \
Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface, QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface_iid)

// This should be part of QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface but it can't in order
// to preserve binary compatibility with 5.2 and earlier.
// The whole media service plugin API shouldn't even be public in the first place. It should
// be made private in Qt 6.0 and QMediaServiceDefaultDeviceInterface should be merged with
// QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface
struct Q_MULTIMEDIA_EXPORT QMediaServiceDefaultDeviceInterface
    virtual ~QMediaServiceDefaultDeviceInterface() {}
    virtual QByteArray defaultDevice(const QByteArray &service) const = 0;

#define QMediaServiceDefaultDeviceInterface_iid \
Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(QMediaServiceDefaultDeviceInterface, QMediaServiceDefaultDeviceInterface_iid)

struct Q_MULTIMEDIA_EXPORT QMediaServiceCameraInfoInterface
    virtual ~QMediaServiceCameraInfoInterface() {}
    virtual QCamera::Position cameraPosition(const QByteArray &device) const = 0;
    virtual int cameraOrientation(const QByteArray &device) const = 0;

#define QMediaServiceCameraInfoInterface_iid \
Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(QMediaServiceCameraInfoInterface, QMediaServiceCameraInfoInterface_iid)

// Required for QDoc workaround
class QString;

struct Q_MULTIMEDIA_EXPORT QMediaServiceFeaturesInterface
    virtual ~QMediaServiceFeaturesInterface() {}
    virtual QMediaServiceProviderHint::Features supportedFeatures(const QByteArray &service) const = 0;

#define QMediaServiceFeaturesInterface_iid \
Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(QMediaServiceFeaturesInterface, QMediaServiceFeaturesInterface_iid)

// Required for QDoc workaround
class QString;

class Q_MULTIMEDIA_EXPORT QMediaServiceProviderPlugin : public QObject, public QMediaServiceProviderFactoryInterface

    virtual QMediaService* create(const QString& key) = 0;
    virtual void release(QMediaService *service) = 0;

    Service with support for media playback
    Required Controls: QMediaPlayerControl
    Optional Controls: QMediaPlaylistControl, QAudioDeviceControl
    Video Output Controls (used by QWideoWidget and QGraphicsVideoItem):
                        Required: QVideoOutputControl
                        Optional: QVideoWindowControl, QVideoRendererControl, QVideoWidgetControl
#define Q_MEDIASERVICE_MEDIAPLAYER "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"

   Service with support for recording from audio sources
   Required Controls: QAudioDeviceControl
   Recording Controls (QMediaRecorder):
                        Required: QMediaRecorderControl
                        Recommended: QAudioEncoderSettingsControl
                        Optional: QMediaContainerControl
#define Q_MEDIASERVICE_AUDIOSOURCE "org.qt-project.qt.audiosource"

    Service with support for camera use.
    Required Controls: QCameraControl
    Optional Controls: QCameraExposureControl, QCameraFocusControl, QCameraImageProcessingControl
    Still Capture Controls: QCameraImageCaptureControl
    Video Capture Controls (QMediaRecorder):
                        Required: QMediaRecorderControl
                        Recommended: QAudioEncoderSettingsControl, QVideoEncoderSettingsControl, QMediaContainerControl
    Viewfinder Video Output Controls (used by QCameraViewfinder and QGraphicsVideoItem):
                        Required: QVideoOutputControl
                        Optional: QVideoWindowControl, QVideoRendererControl, QVideoWidgetControl
#define Q_MEDIASERVICE_CAMERA "org.qt-project.qt.camera"

    Service with support for radio tuning.
    Required Controls: QRadioTunerControl
    Recording Controls (Optional, used by QMediaRecorder):
                        Required: QMediaRecorderControl
                        Recommended: QAudioEncoderSettingsControl
                        Optional: QMediaContainerControl
#define Q_MEDIASERVICE_RADIO "org.qt-project.qt.radio"

    Service with support for decoding audio.
    Required Controls: QAudioDecoderControl
    Optional: that streams control
#define Q_MEDIASERVICE_AUDIODECODER "org.qt-project.qt.audiodecode"