#!/opt/anaconda1anaconda2anaconda3/bin/python # # The Python Imaging Library. # $Id$ # # a utility to identify image files # # this script identifies image files, extracting size and # pixel mode information for known file formats. Note that # you don't need the PIL C extension to use this module. # # History: # 0.0 1995-09-01 fl Created # 0.1 1996-05-18 fl Modified options, added debugging mode # 0.2 1996-12-29 fl Added verify mode # 0.3 1999-06-05 fl Don't mess up on class exceptions (1.5.2 and later) # 0.4 2003-09-30 fl Expand wildcards on Windows; robustness tweaks # from __future__ import print_function import getopt import glob import logging import sys from PIL import Image if len(sys.argv) == 1: print("PIL File 0.4/2003-09-30 -- identify image files") print("Usage: pilfile [option] files...") print("Options:") print(" -f list supported file formats") print(" -i show associated info and tile data") print(" -v verify file headers") print(" -q quiet, don't warn for unidentified/missing/broken files") sys.exit(1) try: opt, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "fqivD") except getopt.error as v: print(v) sys.exit(1) verbose = quiet = verify = 0 logging_level = "WARNING" for o, a in opt: if o == "-f": Image.init() id = sorted(Image.ID) print("Supported formats:") for i in id: print(i, end=' ') sys.exit(1) elif o == "-i": verbose = 1 elif o == "-q": quiet = 1 elif o == "-v": verify = 1 elif o == "-D": logging_level = "DEBUG" logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level) def globfix(files): # expand wildcards where necessary if sys.platform == "win32": out = [] for file in files: if glob.has_magic(file): out.extend(glob.glob(file)) else: out.append(file) return out return files for file in globfix(args): try: im = Image.open(file) print("%s:" % file, im.format, "%dx%d" % im.size, im.mode, end=' ') if verbose: print(im.info, im.tile, end=' ') print() if verify: try: im.verify() except: if not quiet: print("failed to verify image", end=' ') print("(%s:%s)" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) except IOError as v: if not quiet: print(file, "failed:", v) except: import traceback if not quiet: print(file, "failed:", "unexpected error") traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)