This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from fftw3.texi. This manual is for FFTW (version 3.3.4, 20 September 2013). Copyright (C) 2003 Matteo Frigo. Copyright (C) 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation. INFO-DIR-SECTION Development START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * fftw3: (fftw3). FFTW User's Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  Indirect: 1060 298053  Tag Table: (Indirect) Node: Top1060 Node: Introduction1733 Node: Tutorial8069 Ref: Tutorial-Footnote-19313 Node: Complex One-Dimensional DFTs9407 Node: Complex Multi-Dimensional DFTs15163 Ref: Complex Multi-Dimensional DFTs-Footnote-118595 Node: One-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data18730 Node: Multi-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data23175 Node: More DFTs of Real Data27105 Node: The Halfcomplex-format DFT30607 Node: Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms)33216 Ref: Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms)-Footnote-138826 Ref: Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms)-Footnote-239015 Node: The Discrete Hartley Transform39948 Ref: The Discrete Hartley Transform-Footnote-142133 Node: Other Important Topics42382 Node: SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc42675 Node: Multi-dimensional Array Format44935 Node: Row-major Format45556 Node: Column-major Format47249 Node: Fixed-size Arrays in C48333 Node: Dynamic Arrays in C49769 Node: Dynamic Arrays in C-The Wrong Way51407 Node: Words of Wisdom-Saving Plans53155 Node: Caveats in Using Wisdom55830 Node: FFTW Reference57918 Node: Data Types and Files58406 Node: Complex numbers58838 Node: Precision60579 Node: Memory Allocation62141 Node: Using Plans63712 Node: Basic Interface67752 Ref: Basic Interface-Footnote-168496 Node: Complex DFTs68560 Node: Planner Flags72527 Node: Real-data DFTs77982 Node: Real-data DFT Array Format82978 Node: Real-to-Real Transforms85233 Node: Real-to-Real Transform Kinds89203 Node: Advanced Interface91671 Node: Advanced Complex DFTs92411 Node: Advanced Real-data DFTs96670 Node: Advanced Real-to-real Transforms98997 Node: Guru Interface100103 Node: Interleaved and split arrays101026 Node: Guru vector and transform sizes102069 Node: Guru Complex DFTs104634 Node: Guru Real-data DFTs107470 Node: Guru Real-to-real Transforms110393 Node: 64-bit Guru Interface111712 Node: New-array Execute Functions114035 Node: Wisdom118534 Node: Wisdom Export118893 Node: Wisdom Import120867 Node: Forgetting Wisdom122889 Node: Wisdom Utilities123261 Node: What FFTW Really Computes124628 Node: The 1d Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)125453 Node: The 1d Real-data DFT126812 Node: 1d Real-even DFTs (DCTs)128466 Node: 1d Real-odd DFTs (DSTs)131675 Node: 1d Discrete Hartley Transforms (DHTs)134617 Node: Multi-dimensional Transforms135293 Node: Multi-threaded FFTW137896 Node: Installation and Supported Hardware/Software139365 Node: Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW141190 Node: How Many Threads to Use?144498 Node: Thread safety145522 Node: Distributed-memory FFTW with MPI147690 Node: FFTW MPI Installation150269 Node: Linking and Initializing MPI FFTW152061 Node: 2d MPI example153291 Node: MPI Data Distribution157527 Node: Basic and advanced distribution interfaces160405 Node: Load balancing164840 Node: Transposed distributions166526 Node: One-dimensional distributions170298 Node: Multi-dimensional MPI DFTs of Real Data172867 Node: Other Multi-dimensional Real-data MPI Transforms177515 Node: FFTW MPI Transposes179688 Node: Basic distributed-transpose interface180528 Node: Advanced distributed-transpose interface182712 Node: An improved replacement for MPI_Alltoall184000 Node: FFTW MPI Wisdom185976 Ref: FFTW MPI Wisdom-Footnote-1188719 Node: Avoiding MPI Deadlocks189632 Node: FFTW MPI Performance Tips190661 Node: Combining MPI and Threads192130 Node: FFTW MPI Reference195601 Node: MPI Files and Data Types196180 Node: MPI Initialization197176 Node: Using MPI Plans198275 Node: MPI Data Distribution Functions200101 Node: MPI Plan Creation205557 Node: MPI Wisdom Communication216234 Node: FFTW MPI Fortran Interface217160 Ref: FFTW MPI Fortran Interface-Footnote-1223189 Node: Calling FFTW from Modern Fortran223596 Node: Overview of Fortran interface224947 Node: Extended and quadruple precision in Fortran228399 Node: Reversing array dimensions229780 Node: FFTW Fortran type reference233315 Node: Plan execution in Fortran237802 Node: Allocating aligned memory in Fortran240698 Node: Accessing the wisdom API from Fortran244062 Node: Wisdom File Export/Import from Fortran244839 Node: Wisdom String Export/Import from Fortran246501 Node: Wisdom Generic Export/Import from Fortran248489 Node: Defining an FFTW module250719 Node: Calling FFTW from Legacy Fortran251788 Node: Fortran-interface routines253345 Ref: Fortran-interface routines-Footnote-1257003 Ref: Fortran-interface routines-Footnote-2257206 Node: FFTW Constants in Fortran257339 Node: FFTW Execution in Fortran258494 Node: Fortran Examples261250 Node: Wisdom of Fortran?264669 Node: Upgrading from FFTW version 2266349 Ref: Upgrading from FFTW version 2-Footnote-1275972 Node: Installation and Customization276155 Node: Installation on Unix277799 Node: Installation on non-Unix systems286462 Node: Cycle Counters288677 Node: Generating your own code290429 Node: Acknowledgments292464 Node: License and Copyright296184 Node: Concept Index298053 Node: Library Index334695  End Tag Table