// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #ifndef SURFDIST_HEADER_INCLUDED #define SURFDIST_HEADER_INCLUDED #include // use PyObject #include "surfmodel_config.h" // use SURFMODEL_IMEX namespace Surface_Display { // // Compute the closest distance from a point to a surface. Do this for // each point in a list. The distance, closest point, and side of the closest // triangle that the given point lies on is returned in an N by 5 float32 array. // Side +1 is the right-handed normal clockwise vertex traversal, while -1 // indicates the opposite side. This is for determining if the given point // is inside or outside the surface. If a distance array (N by 5) is passed // as an argument, it will only be modified by distances less those. If no // distance array is provided, a newly allocated one will be returned. // SURFMODEL_IMEX PyObject *surface_distance(PyObject *points, PyObject *vertex_array, PyObject *triangle_array, PyObject *distances = NULL); } // end of namespace Surface_Display #endif