#ifndef ioutil_GetOpt_h
# define ioutil_GetOpt_h

namespace ioutil {

class GetOpt {
	GetOpt(int argc, char *const *argv, char const *opts,
						bool printErrors = true);
	int		index() const;	// arg index of option
	char const	*arg() const;	// optional argument to option
	int		option() const;	// option being processed
	void		reset();	// restart processing arguments
	void		skip(int count);	// skip count args
	void		printErrors(bool b);	// print errors on stderr?
	int		operator()();	// return next option
	bool		opterr;		// if error message should be printed
	int		optind;		// index into parent argv vector
	int		optopt;		// character checked for validity
	bool		optreset;	// reset getopt
	char const	*optarg;	// argument associated with option
	int		nargc;		// saved argument count
	char *const	*nargv;		// saved argument values
	char const	*ostr;		// saved options description
	char const	*place;		// option letter processing

} // namespace ioutil
