# --- UCSF Chimera Copyright --- # Copyright (c) 2000 Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. This software provided pursuant to a # license agreement containing restrictions on its disclosure, # duplication and use. This notice must be embedded in or # attached to all copies, including partial copies, of the # software or any revisions or derivations thereof. # --- UCSF Chimera Copyright --- # # $Id: tcl_sockets.py 36820 2012-07-05 20:57:32Z gregc $ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wrap Tcl/Tk socket mechanism. I use Tcl/Tk sockets instead of Python # sockets because they are automatically serviced by the Tcl event loop. # # TODO: Add a way to connect to a remote server and have a callback invoked # whenever data is received. Clean this up and make it suitable for the # Python lib-tk distribution. __all__ = ['Server'] class Server: """Create an Internet socket that listens for incoming connections. The connections are detected and dispatched during the Tcl event loop (the Tkinter widget.mainloop()). """ def __init__(self, widget, callback, callback_data=None, port_number=0): # widget is need to get access to Tcl interpreter # callback is called when a connection is made to the # daemon socket and it gets two arguments: the incoming # socket and the given callback_data. The port_number can # be give to bind to a specific port. self._widget = widget self.port_number = port_number self._callback = callback self._callback_data = callback_data self._cb_name = self._widget.register(self._connect_cb) self.socket_channel_id = self._tcl('socket', '-server', self._cb_name, '-myaddr', '', self.port_number) self._tcl('fconfigure', self.socket_channel_id, '-encoding', 'utf-8') if self.port_number == 0: socket_info = self._tcl('fconfigure', self.socket_channel_id, '-sockname') self.port_number = socket_info.split()[-1] def getPortNo(self): return self.port_number def _connect_cb(self, channel_id, client_host, client_port): s = Client(channel_id, client_host, client_port, self._tcl) self._callback(s, self._callback_data) def _tcl(self, *args): return self._widget.tk.call(*args) def close(self): if hasattr(self, 'socket_channel_id'): self._tcl('close', self.socket_channel_id) self._widget.deletecommand(self._cb_name) del self.socket_channel_id del self._cb_name class Client: """A file-like object that wraps a Tcl channel returned by Server""" def __init__(self, channel_id, from_host, from_port, tcl): self.channel_id = channel_id self.from_host = from_host self.from_port = from_port self._tcl = tcl self._tcl('fconfigure', self.channel_id, '-buffering', 'line', '-encoding', 'utf-8') self.closed = False self.name = '' % channel_id self.mode = 'rw' def read(self, numBytes=None): if numBytes: text = self._tcl('read', self.channel_id, numBytes) else: text = self._tcl('read', self.channel_id) return text def readline(self): text = self._tcl('gets', self.channel_id) return text def write(self, data): self._tcl('puts', '-nonewline', self.channel_id, data) #DEBUG: self._tcl('flush', self.channel_id) def close(self): if not self.closed: self._tcl('close', self.channel_id) self.closed = True if __name__ == '__main__': import Tkinter tk = Tkinter.Frame() server = Server(tk, None) t = tk.tk.call('fconfigure', server.socket_channel_id, '-sockname') print repr(t), t print server.getPortNo()