# --- UCSF Chimera Copyright --- # Copyright (c) 2000 Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. This software provided pursuant to a # license agreement containing restrictions on its disclosure, # duplication and use. This notice must be embedded in or # attached to all copies, including partial copies, of the # software or any revisions or derivations thereof. # --- UCSF Chimera Copyright --- """ File: DelPhiHelp.py Date: 06.16.2000 Description: Contains global help dictionaries for the chimera DelPhi extension. Imports: (N/A) Classes: (N/A) Globals: - InputOptionsHelp - ParameterOptionsHelp - OutputOptionsHelp """ InputOptionsHelp = { 'exe' : """Specifies the DelPhi executable file""", 'prm' : """Specifies a file that contains all necessary input, parameter and output data for DelPhi.""", 'siz' : """Specifies a file that contains the atomic radii of all atoms in the selected molecules.""", 'crg' : """Specifies a file that contains the atomic charge of all atoms in the selected molecules.""", 'pdb' : """Specifies a PDB file that contains the molecule of interest.""" } ParameterOptionsHelp = { 'AC': """The program by default will automatically calculate the number of iterations needed to attain convergence.""", 'BC': """Integer flag specifying the type of boundary condition imposed on the edge of the lattice allowed options: 1== potential is zero. 2== Approximated by the Debye-Huckel potential of the equivalent dipole to the molecular charge distribution, 3== focussing, where a potential map from a previous calculation is read in on unit 18, and values for the potential at the lattice edge are interpolated from this map 4== Approximated by the sum of Debye-Huckel potentials of all the charges.""", 'PF': """Percentage of the lattice that the largest of the x,y or z linear dimensions of the molecule will fill. This along with grid resolution will determine the number of grids needed for the solver. The percentage fill of the lattice will depend on the application.""", 'CS': """When set to true, outputs a GRASP viewable surface file in the name grasp.srf.""", 'ID': """Dielectric constants for the molecule.""", 'ED': """Dielectric constants for the surrounding solvent.""", 'FC': """Normally set to false indicating a linear cubical interpolation of charges to grid points; set to true this turns on a spherical charge distribution.""", 'PX': """Logical flag for periodic boundary conditions for the X edges of the lattice. Note that periodic boundary conditions will override other boundary conditions on edges to which they are applied.""", 'PY': """Logical flag for periodic boundary conditions for the Y edges of the lattice. Note that periodic boundary conditions will override other boundary conditions on edges to which they are applied.""", 'PZ': """Logical flag for periodic boundary conditions for the Z edges of the lattice. Note that periodic boundary conditions will override other boundary conditions on edges to which they are applied.""", 'SP': """Normally DelPhi will invoke the Poisson-Boltzman solver but if you are interested in using DelPhi for other things such as calculating surface area or producing a GRASP viewable surface file, you can turn off the solver using this option.""", 'SC': """Expressed in no. grids/Angstrom this indicates the lattice spacing; this is used along with the Box Fill parameter to determine the number of grids in each dimension required to enclose the molecule.""", 'GC': """When set to a fractional value, the iteration continues till two successive 10 iterations result in grid energies that are within GC.""", 'IS': """Ionic strenght of solvent in moles/litre.""", 'IR': """Thickness of the ion exclusion layer around molecule (in Angstroms)""", 'LG': """Log file convergence. ? ? ? """, 'LP': """Log file potentials. ? ? ?""", 'MD': """Membrane data. ? ? ?""", 'NI': """Integer number of non-linear iterations.""", 'PR': """Radius of the solvent probe molecule that will define solvent excluded surface in Lee and Richard's sense (in Angstroms 0.0).""" } OutputOptionsHelp = { 'LOG': """Output log file.""", 'PHI': """Grid potential file.""", 'EPS': """Site potential file.""", 'FRC': """Dielectric map file.""", 'PDB': """This option produces a modified PDB file written on named output file, containing the radius and charge assigned to each atom written after the coordinates, in the fields used for occupancy and B factor. It is recommended that this option be set initially so that you can check that all the radius and charge assignments are correct. An additional check on the charge assignment can be made by looking at the total charge written to the log file.""", 'G': """The TOTAL ENERGY (formerly called the grid energy) is that obtained from the potential at each charge WITHIN the grid, multiplying by that charge, and summing over all such sites. It contains all the real electrostatic energy terms, plus the self energy of the grid. This latter is not a meaningful number in itself, but can be subtracted out to yield meaningful quantities such as solvation energies etc.""", 'S': """The REACTION FIELD ENERGY term (formerly called the solvation energy term) is obtained by calculating the induced surface charge at each surface point within the box, then using these charges to calculate the potential at every charge, not just those in the box. If the molecule lies entirely within the box, and there is no salt present, this corresponds to the energy of taking the molecule from a solvent of dielectric equal to that of the interior, to that of the exterior. Depending on the physical process, this may be the required solvation energy, but in general the solvation energy is obtained by taking the difference in reaction field energies between suitable final and initial reference states that define the required process- hence the name change.""", 'C': """Coulombic energy""", 'AS': """Analytical surface energy""", 'AG': """Analytical grid energy""" }