# --- UCSF Chimera Copyright --- # Copyright (c) 2000 Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. This software provided pursuant to a # license agreement containing restrictions on its disclosure, # duplication and use. This notice must be embedded in or # attached to all copies, including partial copies, of the # software or any revisions or derivations thereof. # --- UCSF Chimera Copyright --- # # $Id: prefs.py 34349 2011-08-30 02:50:52Z yz $ from chimera import preferences SHOWN_COLS = "shown columns" GA341_COL = "GA341" ZDOPE_COL = "zDOPE" TSV_RMSD_COL = "Estimated RMSD" TSV_OVERLAP_COL = u"Estimated Overlap (3.5\N{ANGSTROM SIGN})" COLS = (GA341_COL, ZDOPE_COL, TSV_RMSD_COL, TSV_OVERLAP_COL) GA341_PDB = "MODEL SCORE" ZDOPE_PDB = "zDOPE" TSV_RMSD_PDB = "PREDICTED RMSD" TSV_OVERLAP_PDB = "PREDICTED NO35" PDBS = (GA341_PDB, ZDOPE_PDB, TSV_RMSD_PDB, TSV_OVERLAP_PDB) col2pdb = {} for col, pdb in zip(COLS, PDBS): col2pdb[col] = pdb colAttr = { "Template PDB": ( "TEMPLATE PDB", "%s" ), "Template Chain": ( "TEMPLATE CHAIN", "%s" ), "Template Begin": ( "TEMPLATE BEGIN", "%d" ), "Template End": ( "TEMPLATE END", "%d" ), GA341_COL: ( GA341_PDB, "%.2f" ), ZDOPE_COL: ( ZDOPE_PDB, "%.2f" ), TSV_RMSD_COL: ( TSV_RMSD_PDB, "%.3f" ), TSV_OVERLAP_COL: ( TSV_OVERLAP_PDB, "%.3f" ), "ModPipe Quality Score": ( "ModPipe Quality Score", "%.2f" ), "E-value": ( "EVALUE", "%.2e" ), "Experiment Type": ( "EXPERIMENT TYPE", "%s" ), "Method": ( "METHOD", "%s" ), "ModPipe Alignment Id": ( "MODPIPE ALIGNMENT ID", "%s" ), "ModPipe Model Id": ( "MODPIPE MODEL ID", "%s" ), "ModPipe Run": ( "MODPIPE RUN", "%s" ), "Program": ( "PROGRAM", "%s" ), "Sequence Identity": ( "SEQUENCE IDENTITY", "%.1f" ), "Target Begin": ( "TARGET BEGIN", "%d" ), "Target End": ( "TARGET END", "%d" ), "Target Length": ( "TARGET LENGTH", "%d" ), "fit rotation": ( "FIT ROTATION", "%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f"), "fit translation": ( "FIT TRANSLATION", "%.3f %.3f %.3"), "match size": ( "MATCH SIZE", "%.2f"), "match average distance": ("MATCH AVERAGE DISTANCE", "%d"), "cluster size": ("CLUSTER SIZE","%.3f"), "fitting score": ("FITTING SCORE","%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f"), "dock rotation": ("DOCK ROTATION","%.3f %.3f %.3f"), "dock translation": ("DOCK TRANSLATION","%d"), } attrMap = { GA341_PDB: "modScore_GA341", "GA341": "modScore_GA341", "DOPE": "modScore_DOPE", "molpdf": "modScore_molpdf", ZDOPE_PDB: "modScore_zDOPE", TSV_RMSD_PDB: "modScore_estRMSD", TSV_OVERLAP_PDB: "modScore_estOverlap", "ModPipe Quality Score": "modScore_MPQS", "EVALUE": "modbaseEvalue", "SEQUENCE IDENTITY": "modbaseSequenceIdentity", } colOrder = [ GA341_COL, "ModPipe Quality Score", ZDOPE_COL, TSV_RMSD_COL, TSV_OVERLAP_COL, "Sequence Identity", "E-value", "Template PDB", "Template Chain", "Template Begin", "Template End", "Target Length", "Target Begin", "Target End", "ModPipe Run", "ModPipe Model Id", "ModPipe Alignment Id", "Program", "Experiment Type", "Method", ] colOrderModellerResults = [ GA341_COL, ZDOPE_COL, TSV_RMSD_COL, TSV_OVERLAP_COL, ] defaults = { "Template PDB": True, "GA341": True, "ModPipe Quality Score": True, "zDOPE": True, "E-value": True, "Sequence Identity": True, "Target Begin": True, "Target End": True, } # so the defaults above can be used elsewhere, send a copy of the dictionary... prefs = preferences.addCategory("ModBase", preferences.HiddenCategory, optDict=defaults.copy())