def segmentSieve(rList0, rList1, fraction=0.5): """MolMovDB style segmenting. Use sieve fit to find core. Everything else is in the second segment.""" # SieveFit checks that the two molecule have equivalent residues import SieveFit coreList0, coreList1 = SieveFit.fitResidues(rList0, rList1, fraction) def splitCore(rList, coreSet): core = [] others = [] for r in rList: if r in coreSet: core.append(r) else: others.append(r) return core, others # First we split our residue list by chain identifier # For each chain, we split into a core segment and an other segment coreSet0 = set(coreList0) coreSet1 = set(coreList1) segments = list() start = 0 chain = rList0[0].id.chainId for i in range(1, len(rList0)): r0 = rList0[i] if != chain: core0, others0 = splitCore(rList0[start:i], coreSet0) core1, others1 = splitCore(rList1[start:i], coreSet1) segments.append((core0, core1)) segments.append((others0, others1)) start = i if start < len(rList0): core0, others0 = splitCore(rList0[start:], coreSet0) core1, others1 = splitCore(rList1[start:], coreSet1) segments.append((core0, core1)) segments.append((others0, others1)) return segments def segmentHingeExact(m0, m1, fraction=0.5): # Split by chain cr0, cr1 = residuesByChain(m0.residues), residuesByChain(m1.residues) if len(cr0) != len(cr1): raise ValueError("models have different number of chains") # If chain ids all match then pair same ids, otherwise use order from file. if set(cid for cid, rlist in cr0) == set(cid for cid, rlist in cr1): cr0.sort() cr1.sort() parts = [] atomMap = {} unusedAtoms = [] for (cid0,r0list), (cid1,r1list) in zip(cr0, cr1): if len(r0list) != len(r1list): raise ValueError("Chains %s and %s have different number of residues" % (cid0, cid1)) curCat = None curRList0 = None curRList1 = None for r0, r1 in zip(r0list, r1list): if not shareAtoms(r0, r1, atomMap, unusedAtoms): raise ValueError("residues do not share atoms") # # Split residues based on surface category (in m0) # if r0.atoms[0].surfaceCategory == curCat: curRList0.append(r0) curRList1.append(r1) else: curRList0 = [ r0 ] curRList1 = [ r1 ] parts.append((curRList0, curRList1)) curCat = r0.atoms[0].surfaceCategory # # Split each part on hinges and collate results # segments = [] for rList0, rList1 in parts: segments.extend(segmentHingeResidues(rList0, rList1, fraction)) return segments, atomMap, [], unusedAtoms def residuesByChain(residues): cres = {} cids = [] for r in residues: cid = if cid in cres: cres[cid].append(r) else: cres[cid] = [r] cids.append(cid) return [(cid, cres[cid]) for cid in cids] def segmentHingeApproximate(m0, m1, fraction=0.5, matrix="BLOSUM-62"): # # Get the chains from each model. If they do not have the # same number of chains, we give up. Otherwise, we assume # that the chains should be matched in the same order. # m0seqs = m0.sequences() m1seqs = m1.sequences() if len(m0seqs) != len(m1seqs): raise ValueError("models have different number of chains") resCount0 = len(m0.residues) matchCount0 = 0 for seq0 in m0seqs: matchCount0 += len(seq0.residues) print "Aligning %d of %d residues from molecule %s" % ( matchCount0, resCount0, resCount1 = len(m1.residues) matchCount1 = 0 for seq1 in m1seqs: matchCount1 += len(seq1.residues) print "Aligning %d of %d residues from molecule %s" % ( matchCount1, resCount1, # # Any residue that does not appear in chains are unused # maybe = set() for seq0 in m0seqs: maybe.update(seq0.residues) unusedResidues = [ r0 for r0 in m0.residues if r0 not in maybe ] # # Try to find the best matches for sequences. # If both models have chains with the same ids, assume that # chains with the same ids match. Otherwise, assume the chains # match in input order. # m0map = dict((s.chain, s) for s in m0seqs) m1map = dict((s.chain, s) for s in m1seqs) if set(m0map.keys()) == set(m1map.keys()): seqPairs = [ (m0map[k], m1map[k]) for k in m0map.keys() ] else: seqPairs = zip(m0seqs, m1seqs) # # For each chain pair, we align them using MatchMaker to get # the residue correspondences. # import MatchMaker ksdsspCache = set([m0, m1]) parts = [] atomMap = {} unusedAtoms = [] matched = 0 matrices = [ MatchMaker.defaults[MatchMaker.MATRIX], "Nucleic", ] for seq0, seq1 in seqPairs: for matrix in matrices: if (MatchMaker.matrixCompatible(seq0, matrix) and MatchMaker.matrixCompatible(seq1, matrix)): break else: continue score, gapped0, gapped1 = MatchMaker.align(seq0, seq1, matrix, "nw", MatchMaker.defaults[MatchMaker.GAP_OPEN], MatchMaker.defaults[MatchMaker.GAP_EXTEND], ksdsspCache) rList0 = [] rList1 = [] for pos in range(len(gapped0)): i0 = gapped0.gapped2ungapped(pos) if i0 is None: continue r0 = gapped0.residues[i0] if r0 is None: continue i1 = gapped1.gapped2ungapped(pos) if i1 is None: unusedResidues.append(r0) continue r1 = gapped1.residues[i1] if r1 is None: unusedResidues.append(r0) continue if not shareAtoms(r0, r1, atomMap, unusedAtoms): unusedResidues.append(r0) continue rList0.append(r0) rList1.append(r1) matched += 1 if rList0: parts.append((rList0, rList1)) # # Split each part on hinges and collate results # segments = [] for rList0, rList1 in parts: segments.extend(segmentHingeResidues(rList0, rList1, fraction)) # # Identify any residues that were not in sequences but have # similar connectivity (e.g., metals and ligands) and share # some common atoms # segmentMap = dict() residueMap = dict() for sIndex, s in enumerate(segments): for r0, r1 in zip(s[0], s[1]): residueMap[r1] = r0 segmentMap[r0] = sIndex used = set() for seq0 in m0seqs: used.update(seq0.residues) m0candidates = [ r0 for r0 in m0.residues if r0 not in used ] keyMap = dict() for r0 in m0candidates: neighbors = _getConnectedResidues(r0) if not neighbors: continue nlist = list(neighbors) nlist.sort() keyMap[tuple(nlist)] = r0 used = set() for seq1 in m1seqs: used.update(seq1.residues) m1candidates = [ r1 for r1 in m1.residues if r1 not in used ] for r1 in m1candidates: neighbors = _getConnectedResidues(r1) if not neighbors: continue try: nlist = [ residueMap[r] for r in neighbors ] except KeyError: pass else: nlist.sort() key = tuple(nlist) try: r0 = keyMap[key] sIndex = segmentMap[nlist[0]] except KeyError: pass else: if shareAtoms(r0, r1, atomMap, unusedAtoms): s0, s1 = segments[sIndex] segments[sIndex] = (s0 + (r0,), s1 + (r1,)) unusedResidues.remove(r0) matched += 1 # # Finally, finished # print "Matched %d residues in %d segments" % (matched, len(segments)) return segments, atomMap, unusedResidues, unusedAtoms def segmentHingeResidues(rList0, rList1, fraction): # # Find matching set of residues # segments = segmentSieve(rList0, rList1, fraction) # # Find hinges and split molecules at hinge residues # The Interpolate module wants a set of segments # which are 2-tuples. Each element of the 2-tuple # is a tuple of residues. # from Hinge import findHinges, splitOnHinges hingeIndices = findHinges(rList0, rList1, segments) segmentsStart = [ tuple(l) for l in splitOnHinges(hingeIndices, rList0) ] segmentsEnd = [ tuple(l) for l in splitOnHinges(hingeIndices, rList1) ] segments = zip(segmentsStart, segmentsEnd) return segments def shareAtoms(r0, r1, atomMap, unusedAtoms): # We start by finding the atom connected to the # previous residue. Failing that, we want the # atom connected to the next residue. Failing that, # we take an arbitrary atom. from util import residuePrimaryAtoms m0 = r0.molecule before = m0.residueBefore(r0) after = m0.residueAfter(r0) r0PrimaryAtoms = residuePrimaryAtoms(r0) startAtom = None for a0 in r0PrimaryAtoms: if startAtom is None: startAtom = a0 for na in a0.primaryNeighbors(): if na.residue is before: startAtom = a0 break elif na.residue is after: startAtom = a0 # From this starting atom, we do a breadth-first # search for an atom with a matching atom name in r1 matched = {} visited = set() todo = [ startAtom ] paired = set() expand = [] from util import findPrimaryAtom while todo: a0 = todo.pop(0) a1 = findPrimaryAtom(r1, if a1 is None: # No match, so we put all our neighboring # atoms on the search list for na in a0.primaryNeighbors(): if (na not in visited and na.residue is a0.residue): todo.append(na) visited.add(a0) else: # Found a starter atom pair matched[a0] = a1 expand.append((a0, a1)) break while expand: a0, a1 = expand.pop(0) if a0 in visited: continue visited.add(a0) # a0 and a1 are matched, now we want to see # if any of their neighbors match for na0 in a0.primaryNeighbors(): if na0 in visited or na0.residue is not a0.residue: continue for na1 in a1.primaryNeighbors(): if na1 in paired or != continue matched[na0] = na1 expand.append((na0, na1)) paired.add(na1) break # Now we look at our results if not matched: # Note that we do not update unusedAtoms since # the residues do not match and will be deleted # as a whole. return False # Next we check for atoms we have not visited and see if # we can pair them for a0 in r0PrimaryAtoms: if a0 in visited: continue a1 = findPrimaryAtom(r1, if a1 is not None and a1 not in paired: matched[a0] = a1 paired.add(a1) atomMap.update(matched) unmatched = [ a0 for a0 in r0PrimaryAtoms if a0 not in matched ] unusedAtoms.extend(unmatched) return True def _getConnectedResidues(r): neighborResidues = set() for a in r.atoms: for na in a.neighbors: if na.residue is not r: neighborResidues.add(na.residue) for pb in a.pseudoBonds: na = pb.otherAtom(a) if na.residue is not r: neighborResidues.add(na.residue) return neighborResidues if __name__ == "chimeraOpenSandbox": import chimera #m0, m1 ="testdata/1dmo.pdb") m0 ="testdata/4cln-processed.pdb")[0] m1 ="testdata/2bbm-matched.pdb")[0] segments = segmentSieve(m0.residues, m1.residues) print len(segments), "cores" for segment in segments: print "Core:", len(segment[0]), "residues"