# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compute an approximate bounding sphere in world coordinates for a list of
# surface pieces.  Include only the unmasked vertices.
def surface_sphere(plist):

  bs = None
  for p in plist:
    s = surface_piece_sphere(p)
    if s:
      if bs is None: bs = s
      else: bs.merge(s)
  return bs

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compute an approximate bounding sphere in world coordinates for a
# surface piece including only the unmasked vertices.
def surface_piece_sphere(p):

  has_box, box = p.bbox()
  if not has_box:
    return None
  cl = box.center()
  c = p.model.openState.xform.apply(cl)
  bsize = (box.urb - box.llf).data()
  r = 0.5 * max(bsize)
  from chimera import Sphere
  s = Sphere()
  s.center = c
  s.radius = r
  return s

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compute an approximate bounding box in world coordinates for a list of
# surface pieces.  Include only the unmasked vertices.  The optional xform
# argument instead computes the bounding box in a local coordinate system
# where xform maps from the local coordinates to world coordinates.
def surface_box(plist, xform = None):

  bs = None
  for p in plist:
    s = surface_piece_box(p, xform)
    if s:
      if bs is None: bs = s
      else: bs.merge(s)
  return bs

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compute an approximate bounding box in world coordinates for a
# surface piece including only the unmasked vertices.
def surface_piece_box(p, xform = None):

  has_box, box = p.bbox()
  if not has_box:
    return None
  xf = p.model.openState.xform
  if not xform is None:
  return box