# This module invokes the server at # http://molbio.info.nih.gov/structbio/basic.html # to compute some atomic quantities. import chimera import re def msms(target, opts, propName, rba): aList = _target2atoms(target) lines, idMap = _atoms2PDB(aList) output = _invoke("msms", opts, lines) if chimera.debug: print output m = re.match(".*MSMS terminated normally.*sas_0\\s*\\n(.*)

", output, re.M | re.S | re.I) if not m: raise chimera.NotABug( "unexpected output from StrucTools server") lines = m.group(1).rstrip().split('\n') if len(lines) > len(aList): raise chimera.NotABug( "expected %d lines from StrucTools server and got %d" % (len(aList), len(lines))) eProp = propName + "_MS" aProp = propName + "_SAS" totalExposed = 0.0 totalAccessible = 0.0 assigned = set([]) unused = 0 for line in lines: values = _msmsValues(line) try: a = _msmsAtom(idMap, values) except KeyError: if chimera.debug: print "unused", values unused += 1 else: if a not in assigned: setattr(a, eProp, values[-2]) totalExposed += values[-2] setattr(a, aProp, values[-1]) totalAccessible += values[-1] assigned.add(a) unmatched = len(aList) - len(assigned) _printMismatch(aList, assigned) _reportWarning(unmatched, unused) msg = "Total area assigned: MS=%.2f SAS=%.2f. " % (totalExposed, totalAccessible) _reportStatus(msg, assigned, [aProp, eProp], _modelList(aList), rba) return output def _msmsValues(line): aNum, exposed, accessible, aSpec = line.split() aNum = int(aNum) exposed = float(exposed) accessible = float(accessible) aName, rType, chainId, rSeq = aSpec.split('_') if rSeq[-1].isdigit(): insertCode = ' ' rSeq = int(rSeq) else: insertCode = rSeq[-1] rSeq = int(rSeq[:-1]) return aName, rType, chainId, rSeq, insertCode, exposed, accessible def _msmsAtom(idMap, values): aName, rType, chainId, rSeq, insertCode, exposed, accessible = values return idMap[(aName, rType, chainId, rSeq, insertCode)] def surface(target, opts, propName, rba): return gerstein(target, propName, rba, "surf_Gerstein", opts, _gersteinSurface) def volume(target, opts, propName, rba): return gerstein(target, propName, rba, "vol_Gerstein", opts, _gersteinVolume) def gerstein(target, propName, rba, service, opts, parser): aList = _target2atoms(target) lines, idMap = _atoms2PDB(aList) output = _invoke(service, opts, lines) if chimera.debug: print output m = re.match(""".*

""", output, re.M | re.S) if not m: raise chimera.NotABug( "unexpected output from StrucTools server") lines = m.group(1).rstrip().split('\n') if len(lines) > len(aList): raise chimera.NotABug( "expected %d lines from StrucTools server and got %d" % (len(aList), len(lines))) total = 0.0 assigned = set([]) unused = 0 for line in lines: values = parser(line) try: a = _gersteinAtom(idMap, values) except KeyError: if chimera.debug: print "unused", values unused += 1 else: if a not in assigned: v = values[-1] setattr(a, propName, v) if v is not None: total += v assigned.add(a) unmatched = len(aList) - len(assigned) _printMismatch(aList, assigned) _reportWarning(unmatched, unused) if service.startswith("surf"): msg = "Total area assigned: %.2f. " % total else: msg = "Total volume assigned: %.2f. " % total _reportStatus(msg, assigned, [propName], _modelList(aList), rba) return output def _gersteinVolume(line): aName = line[12:16].strip() rType = line[17:20].strip() chainId = line[21] rSeq = int(line[22:26]) insertCode = line[26] value = float(line[73:79]) if value < 0: value = None return aName, rType, chainId, rSeq, insertCode, value def _gersteinSurface(line): aName = line[12:16].strip() rType = line[17:20].strip() chainId = line[21] rSeq = int(line[22:26]) insertCode = line[26] value = float(line[67:73]) return aName, rType, chainId, rSeq, insertCode, value def _gersteinAtom(idMap, values): aName, rType, chainId, rSeq, insertCode, value = values try: return idMap[(aName, rType, chainId, rSeq, insertCode)] except KeyError: return idMap[(aName, rType, chainId.upper(), rSeq, insertCode)] def _target2atoms(target): rList = [] for t in target: # Target can be either a molecule or a chain. r = t.residues if callable(r): r = r() rList += r aList = [] for r in rList: aList.extend(r.atoms) return aList def _atoms2PDB(aList): idMap = {} pList = [] for n, a in enumerate(aList): r = a.residue if r.isHet: recType = "HETATM" else: recType = "ATOM " rid = r.id c = a.xformCoord() try: occupancy = a.occupancy except AttributeError: occupancy = 1.0 try: bfactor = a.bfactor except AttributeError: bfactor = 0.0 aName = _pdbAtomName(a) idMap[(aName.strip(), r.type.strip(), rid.chainId[0], rid.position, rid.insertionCode[0])] = a pdb = ("%6s%5d %4s%1s%3s %1.1s%4d%1s " "%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f\n" % (recType, n + 1, aName, a.altLoc, r.type, rid.chainId, rid.position, rid.insertionCode, c.x, c.y, c.z, occupancy, bfactor)) pList.append(pdb) lines = ''.join(pList) if chimera.debug: import pprint print lines pprint.pprint(idMap) return lines, idMap def _pdbAtomName(a): # this routine is a straight translation from PDBio component aname = a.name.replace("'", "*") if len(a.element.name) > 1: return "%-4s" % aname else: if a.element.name[0] == aname[0]: # nothing funny in front if len(aname) == 4: # need to swap last character into front return aname[3:4] + aname[0:3] else: return " %-3s" % aname else: return "%-4s" % aname def _invoke(service, opts, pdb): from CGLutil import multipart try: return multipart.post_multipart( "helixweb.nih.gov", "/cgi-bin/structbio/basic.new", opts + [ ( "pdb_file", "chimera", pdb ), ( "what", None, service ), ( "output", None, "Raw" ), ] ) except: raise chimera.NonChimeraError("Error contacting " "StrucTools web server") def _modelList(aList): mDict = {} for a in aList: mDict[a.molecule] = True return mDict.keys() def _printMismatch(aList, assigned): print "Unmatched atoms" for a in aList: if a in assigned: continue print " ", a.oslIdent() def _reportWarning(unmatched, unused): if unmatched > 0 or unused > 0: if unmatched > 0: if unmatched == 1: phrase = "One atom was" verb = "does" else: phrase = "%d atoms were" % unmatched verb = "do" msg1 = ("%s missing from output and %s not " "have new attributes.\n" % (phrase, verb)) else: msg1 = "" if unused > 0: if unused == 1: phrase = "One line" verb = "was" else: phrase = "%d lines" % unused verb = "were" msg2 = "%s of output %s unused.\n" % (phrase, verb) else: msg2 = "" if msg1 and msg2: warning = msg1 + msg2 elif msg1: warning = msg1 else: warning = msg2 chimera.replyobj.warning(warning) def _reportStatus(msg, assigned, propList, modelList, rba): if len(assigned) == 1: phrase = "one atom" else: phrase = "%d atoms" % len(assigned) pList = [ repr(p) for p in propList ] if len(pList) == 1: s = pList[0] plural = "" verb = "was" else: s = ", ".join(pList[:-1]) + " and " + pList[-1] plural = "s" verb = "were" msg += ("Attribute%s %s %s created for %s.\n" % (plural, s, verb, phrase)) chimera.replyobj.status(msg) chimera.replyobj.message(msg) if rba and assigned: try: from ShowAttr import ShowAttrDialog except ImportError: # No "render by attribute", just ignore pass else: from chimera import dialogs d = dialogs.display(ShowAttrDialog.name) d.configure(models=modelList, attrsOf="atoms", attrName=None) d.refreshAttrs() d.configure(models=modelList, attrsOf="atoms", attrName=propList[0])